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Got Brains?

Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009 @ 11:48 P.M.

Brain Disgorgement...

In case you think I have fallen off the Earth, I just want to assure you, I have not.
It has just been an interesting month, I guess. No real time to write about things... :: snort, cough ::
Yes, derisive laughter may ensue. I live a fairly boring life, but yet cannot seem to find the time to do the things I should be doing. I did finally get my mother's trip pics printed and managed to cram them into a photo album AND even made a lovely DVD of her trip for her and my father to enjoy on their television... if they can get their DVD player to work for them. My sis-tor got them a wonderfully hi-tech and button-filled player that they can barely wrap their heads around. :: Shrug :: Oh, well... they gots my bro to help them... if he can be bothered. That boy needs to get out more.
I also have been reading. Oh man... Ra-chan got me into this series that is best classified as Fantasy Romance. Oh yeah... love that crap. Romance novels aren't usually really my cup of tea, but y'know, I really like fey-cats and werewolves and vampires and the slightly naughty. :: Wink :: It's just so very... engrossing and so I've gone through the novels in practically the blink of an eye. Inhaled, like, six books in about a week (not all from one series)... so I will just have to wait to read the next one I have for just a bit and do other things, like watch Legend of the Seeker. :: Grin ::
What else have I been up to? Uh... playing around with ZOMG! on Gaia and then, Ra-chan got me to play Perfect World. Yeah, what the heckles. MMOs are kinda fun if you have quests to do and ignore the stooges online typing stoopid stuffs that make no sense. We shall see how long that lasts. I prefer the RPG Ra-chan and I play on Sundays. It's fun to be a Cat from Red Dwarf with a Russian accent. She's absolutely nothing like me and that's definitely a departure from my usual characters. Scat and M are really just my two different personalities. Duh... like you couldn't get that.
So, I had been waiting around for my 1099 from the bank, but found out today that I did not get one... or something. Meh, I guess I shall do my taxes without it. I am sure I didn't make more than ten dollars in interest. That's kinda sad. I needs monies like nobody's business. The con's coming up and I gots my material, but dang... it was expensive as all basements. I will be wearing the Maka coat as much as possible to make it worth it.
Something to worry about this year that I'm really not thinking too deeply on, but I cannot help it is that fact that I will be moving. I adapt fairly quickly, but moving all my stuff is gonna be a fraggin' pain in the booty. I need to really figure out what I can get rid of, but dangit, it's hard (for me) to throw out things that might possibly be useful in the future for me or someone else. I like being able to be prepared when someone says, "I need this" and I can just pull it out of my well stocked booty. :: Sigh :: I wonder if my 'rents would be willing to store some (more) of my stuff for me. Heh... I gots lots of it.

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Listen Here! Music is very good for me...

Give Me A Break! Being not able to sleep properly has me taking evil pills... grah.

Piccy of the week: Darkness is my friend...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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