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Monday, Dec. 03, 2007 @ 9:35 A.M.

Happy Birfday to me!

So, it was my birfday yesterday... I had to work! Fortunately, I had two more vacation days left (I coulda sworn it was only one) and so I have four days off this week. Yay! Unfortunately, it is raining like crazy and I don't really wanna do anything out there.
Even though I didn't really do much on my actual birfday, I did get to hang out with friends the previous days. On Thurfsday, a bunch of us went to see Enchanted. It was great! The spontaneous singing and dancing and the Disney clich�s were priceless! I loved it and want the soundtrack. On Friday, we went bowling! I hadn't done that in ages... and it was so fun, though I am still sore to this day from using muscles I haven't used in a while. It's so weird... I don't get this sore from playing DDR, but just two rounds of bowling and I hurt all over! I bowled all right the first game, but I broke 100 the second and got the highest score for the night. Go me! I got some pics of Ra-chan's new friend who is a boy. His name is... um... well, I guess I'll just call him The Wiz for now. I don't wanna use real names after all. He's a funny guy. Really tall... really. Nice guy despite the fact he cracks on kids and cats all the time. Ra-chan seems to like him fine. :: Giggles ::
So, my birfday gifts so far consist of mostly Pirate-y stuff, including a gi-normous Mr. Potato head with mini-Potato heads inside. The minis will worship it like an idol. I was amazed at how much stuff they put JD's face on just to sell it! Not that I mind, but jeez, note pads and journals that say 'I <3 Jack' on it? That's a bit much, don'tcha think? In any case, I will store them away in my trunk o' pirate-y goodness for now until I can get my room the way I want it.
What else did we do yesterday? We started putting up our framed posters on the walls. Man, when we move we will go through a serious amount of putty. Hopefully, we don't move for a long, long time. I was the one climbing the ladder, though. It only holds a certain amount of weight so it's all me with ladder work. Although, if I gain any more holiday pounds, even I won't be able to use the thing. I need to play more DDR. So, we decided the hallway to the bedrooms is the movie poster area. The living room is anime/fantasy/Gothic/Asian stuff and the computer area (which is supposed to be the dining room area, but who needs a dining room table?) is going to be sci-fi/geeky stuff. Whee!

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Rain and sirens... not good...

Give Me A Break! Quit with the wet stuff already!

Piccy of the week: I need to change that picture sometimes...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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