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Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007 @ 11:05 P.M.

The photos, the photos...

Arrrgh! Well, you (you know who you are, I know you are out there) must be really bored with waiting for some sort of update. Well, here is one... not a great one, but one nonetheless.
My sister's wedding pictures from the professional guy finally got up. They look pretty good. Hardly any of them were of me, thank gooshness. Hiding behind a camera really helped.
I think I took about the same amount of pics as that the professional guy did. He just had the advantage of having some great lenses and y'know, professional camera stuff. I still like the pics, though. I just cannot believe that one 4X6 print would be $12.00! I mean, really... is that necessary? What is the thing printed on? Fire-proof paper that never fades or tears? Yeesh. Okay, artistic licenses and all that, but jeez! I wonder what kind of money I would make if I started charging that much for my pictures and CDs. I mean, I just give those things away and I do editing and all that rot. Yar.
So, I hope you all had fun on Talk Like a Pirate Day! Fun stuff, that.
My sister's birfday and Ra-chan's birfday were this month. I put together a photo album for my sis-tor of her Bridal Shower and her Bachelorette Party. Girl's eyes only, yo! Ra-chan got some bunny slippers. But not just any bunny slippers... the kind with big pointy teeth are what she received. They're awesome.
Uh. So this coming month us-all are going to Yaoi Con. Yup, I'mma just going to take pics for Mi-chan since she's no good at that sort of thing. Seriously, I'm not going just to ogle hot guys or anything... nope... not at all.

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Piccy of the week: Yar!!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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