Current Obsession on the Web other than Diaryland
Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

Mr. Flibble and Rimmer

I think Mr. Flibble... LIKES you.

If you join the Eccentric diary ring, he just might LIKE you more...

Then, take the Eccentricity Survey.

Oh, and here's another Eccentric Survey.

Got Brains?

Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 @ 10:28 A.M.

Where I am on the Internet...

Edit Monday June 4, 2007... 3:45PM: I had to take down the imgblogs link since they defunct and change the 95mb link to 50webs since they also defunct. There are a few new places to find me.
This is where I keep track of all the books I own. It is seriously getting out of hand all these words I read.
Yes, I am here, but mostly for the tests. They are pretty fun to answer and a great time-waster... not that I don't have enough on the web to waste time with.
Convinced once again to join something by Mi-chan... this is where you can see me all dressed up in costumes.
A forum for otaku... and guess what, that is what I am.

Edit Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006... 10:00PM: I forgot that I have one more place!
Deviant Art:
My poor attempts at art are kept here. I'd rather look at other people's fabulous artwork.

Okay, since I've been cleaning up my room and trying to get my life on track by keeping up on my obligations and stuff, I've decided that I need to figure out where I have myself online. Does that make sense? Does to me!
This is my main online journal... I update it more often that anything else. Which is sad since I hardly ever update it.

I've been checking up on this more often lately. I respond to some of the more interesting bulletins... usually the ones that ask fun questions. I also have some pictures of myself on it... I hate having my picture taken, yo!

I actually had this before MySpace, but it's just not as interesting in my opinion. I check on it sometimes... if I remember... which is hardly ever.

I started to chronicle the fanfic that my friends and I have been writing about our original character's adventures with anime boys... I am just kinda lazy. Me-ow.

Man, I started this site a while ago. People still go to it! I haven't updated the smeggin' thing in ages, though. I really am a lazy webmistress.

This is an offshoot of my Eccentricity site that's totally dedicated to my obsession with Cats! the musical. People visit this site too, despite the lack of updates.

Gaia Online:
I have a few characters on the largest forum online! The main one is Scatflipza. She's definitely me as a furry. Me-ow.

I think that's it! If there are other places I might have forgotten, let me know. Either that or someone is impersonating me by using my unique usernames! O_O
A few weeks ago I Googled my real name and I found that someone uses it for a handle on a bunch of gaming forums. Just to let everyone know, I am female and I never use my real name for a user name... plus, I am not one to spell incorrectly or use 133t excessively while I talk. Yeesh. He's giving my name a bad... er... name... yeah. Y'know what I mean!

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Motherland by Crystal Kay... I don't know who she is, but it's pretty.

Give Me A Break! I need to do laundry again!

Piccy of the week: Sleep good...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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