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Got Brains?

Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005 @ 6:02 P.M.

Not enough to play...

Ah, sooooooo...
My laptop is set, my fingers are a'typin' and I am ready to tell you what happened this last week...
:: Crickets sound ::
Um... wait for it... I just need to jumpstart the ol' brain (NO, 26 is NOT OLD, MI-CHAN!!!)...
Okay, so I had some pretty weird days off. It worked out alright, though. B-kun came up from Cali' to visit. He always manages to stay over at my apartment for a few days. He came up last Moon-day and that was my day off, so I cleaned up the apartment a bit. The funny thing was, he actually commented on how clean it looked and I laughed and laughed 'cuz it wasn't as clean as I wanted it, just cleaner than it was from when he visited last year. Sheesh. Rainbow wig...
Yeah, he kept me up beyond my bedtime which is fine. Losing sleep to hang out with a friend you see only once a year is worth it. We watched Joe Versus the Volcano (funny, cute, and weird) and Psycho Beach Party (HILARIOUS, WEIRD, and surprisingly fresh). It was fun. He slept in my room, which was fine. I was out like a light and he slept on the lower bed. Y'know those beds that have a smaller bed that rolls underneath it? Yeah, I have one of those. I usually use it like a couch in my room, but I suppose it could be for sleeping on. O_o
I just never thought of that before. Anyways, Mi-chan's sis-tor slept over too so had the couch and I wondered where he would sleep. I was a little hesitant at first. I mean, I never had anyone male sleep in the same room as me except my brother or ex-boyfriends, but this was B-kun we're talking about and he's totally SAFE. :: Chuckles :: Take that, man! Seriously, I had tons of fun and miss him already. O' course, he's been back in his own state since Saturn's Day.
:: Cough :: Mi-chan's been kinda sick lately. I hope it's not the plague.
The kitten-ness-es are much better. I've been giving Yami Panda her icky medicine she hates, hiding it in her wet food. Shh! Don't tell her or she won't eat it. Also, the fleas are gone from what I can tell... at least that's my hope 'cuz, like, the vet totally is charging us fourteen dollars a box for the medicine that they were giving to us free all summer! Yikes! Don't they know how poor I am? :: Weeps ::
Finally saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and I ADORED it. Had to take Ra-chan kicking and screaming to it (not really, but she protested) since she really doesn't like Tim Burton films. How am I friends with someone like that, again? Oh, right, she likes fantasy and sci-fi, too... and most of the same bishounen I do. ^_^
Anyways, I wanna see the Corpse Bride when it comes out. The only problem I had with CCF was that Charlie didn't get in trouble. :: Shrug :: Oh well.
What else?
Oh yeah...

KATAMARI DAMACY owns my soul.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! The Katamari Damacy opening song haunts me!

Give Me A Break! When I can't roll up a building, I cry...

Piccy of the week: How I feel after playing Katamari Damacy for five hours straight...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

Leave me some comments...
1 comments so far
Ramen - 2005-09-07 12:42:21
Katamari Damacy OWNS my soul TOO!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

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