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Mr. Flibble and Rimmer

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Oh, and here's another Eccentric Survey.

Got Brains?

Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005 @ 9:03 P.M.

Glad to be alive...

Y'know how I said that I finally went to see Star Wars Eppy 3 in my last entry? Well, yeah, I cried like a baby at the movie. You wanna know why? It was the betrayal of the Jedi. I could feel it in my heart as I watched. The worst part was when Vader went to the temple with the 'younglings'. Oh, jeez, it was terrible. Those last bits of the movie was just me weeping uncontrollably at the death of the Jedi, the betrayal of a trusted person, and a love gone horribly wrong. It was a great movie.
Hmm... then, somewhere in the last week, we went to the zoo. I took some great pictures! Then, I promptly erased them in a horrible compy accident of evil proportions. There was the picture of the pirahnas, the tired-looking orangutan, the adorable fenic fox, the brown bear in the cave, the otter swimming past laughing children, the enormous Komodo dragon with the long tongue, the prettyful butterflies, and so much more! It was so much fun.
Other stuff happened too this past week. Mi-chan and her sis, and a few of our mutual friends, helped paint his living room. I went and lent moral support... and took pictures!
Now, I would appreciate if more people would take my new survey! The link is right under the link to my first one... see?! Right beneath Mr. Flibble and Rimmer, there.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Brat Camp... yikes.

Give Me A Break! Some people are such whiners.

Piccy of the week: Sleeping me, yup...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

Leave me some comments...
1 comments so far
ljungberg 8 - 2005-08-06 19:19:55
new kittens-cool!

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