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Saturday, Jun. 04, 2005 @ 9:39 A.M.

Kittens and stuff...

Ha ha... yesterday was fun. Actually the last few days were fun if you like being infested with fleas!
Naw... we aren't really that bad off. The kits somehow got fleas this bad flea season and so we had taken them to the vet and such. Got pills. Fleas go away for a bit. Pills run out at the clinic... augh! Fleas back again.
So, as soon as the pills came into the vet's place, I give 'em to the kits (I'm very proficient at it now, though Yami Panda now knows all my tricks for capturing her), and I find that droves of fleas are laying, dying on my carpet. Big EWWWWWWW!!!
So, I brush the kits, pick out the bodies, flush 'em down the toilet, vaccuum vigourously, and stay pretty grossed out for the rest of the day. The problem is, the pills only kill the adult fleas and not the eggs, so we had potential skin biters all over our apartment, 'cuz those dang fleas are so promiscuous. Grr...
Mi-chan said we had to spray the apartment. So, we did. Man, it stunk like the dickens in there! Thankfully, we had already decided to take the kittens on an afternoon drive with us to the supermarkets. Yami got the carrier, Yoru got the harness and leash. They were so cute. Yami spent the whole time hiding under the blanket in the carrier. We took Yoru out to show Sa-san and Ca-san. They thought our kitten was so cute! And she truely is.
We got them little charms for their collars. Yoru Ichi got a skeleton fish since she's such a little punk. Yami Panda got a crown with blue jewels since she's a little brat... I mean, princess. They really are adorable bundles of energy. They have this new toy mouse on a string and I have it hung up on the back of a chair. They love that thing.
I also finished the memory box for Sydney. Thankfully, the kits haven't messed with it too much. They knocked down her whale, but didn't touch the actual box frame. It would have been upsetting if they did. I'm glad I finally got it done.
Our babies are so spoiled...

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Listen Here! Only the tinkling of Yami's bells...

Give Me A Break! Money woes! Again!

Piccy of the week: I wish I was still sleeping...


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Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
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Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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