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Saturday, May. 28, 2005 @ 10:07 A.M.

A bit more of my life...

Augh... it is so hooooooot... :: Glows profusely :: Yeah, women don't sweat, right?
Coulda fooled me...
So, just for fun I will tell you what I've been doing since my last entry!
Working... yup, that hasn't changed. I'm still a Photo Specialist at Walgreens. I really like being in Photo. I don't have to stay in one place and ever since they fixed the AC unit, the cool breeze from the vents really perks me up.
Reading... yes, I am. I just borrowed the second volume of P-chan's Harry Potter series so I can re-read it. I'm also working on finishing up Hitchhicker's Guide. Phew... lotsa words. I've read all my new manga... except I am woefully behind on Shonen Jump. How'd that happen?
Eating... 'cuz you need to eat to survive. Ramen and Hot Pockets are my usual meals. I take a chocolate multi-vitamin as soon as I wake up to jump start my metabolism. Have a granola bar or Pop Tart around ten, have a Hot Pocket for lunch, and have some ramen when I get home. Or a bologna sanwich. Or pepperoni... my addiction... For snacks, I have gummi, fruity things or my newest favorite, dark chocolate M&Ms. Another recent discovery I have made is Mandarin oranges. I love 'em!
Sleeping... resting is good. I mostly work in the mornings, so I get up around 6:30am. Usually, though, the kits wake me up earlier than that, but I fall back to snoozing until I really need to get up. I work and come home, eat, and take a nap around five-ish. Sometimes I stay up until midnight, depending on how much of a nap I took, but I usually get the sleepies around 11pm. So, I get my eight hours in my catnaps.
And now for something completely different!

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Ah, the quiet ringing of Yami's bells...

Give Me A Break! Sooooooooo hoooooooooooot...

Piccy of the week: Still me...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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