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Monday, Mar. 14, 2005 @ 12:13 P.M.

A few random things...

What is the most note-worthy thing in my life lately? Hmm...
Lessee: I ate three boxes of Youthful Female Baked Goods the week that Mi-chan worked the graveyard shift. I still have not gotten my oil changed even though it is going on four thousand five hundred miles now. My taxes have finally been filed and hopefully I get the money back in time for the Sakura Con. I have bills up the yin-yang. My sis gave me her external CD drive since my poor laptop one is kaput-ski. I've gotten addicted to the SIMs again. My eyes hurt.
Yeah, I can eat a lot of cookies... I was scolded for eating too many sweets. I do need to lose a bit of weight so I can look good in my Isis costume for the con. If anything, I need to get out in the sun a bit so I don't look like a pasty treat.
Ugh... I tried to call the service center to make an appointment to get my oil changed, but they never called me back. It's so annoying. I'll prolly end up doing it on Friday in the 'Quah... even though I really don't want to. But I have to or my poor little car will blow up.
I get a tax return! I'm so happy that sales tax is refundable. :: Dances :: I could really use the help. My bills are really starting to worry me... I think I'm beginning to get the stress that I thought I had left behind at the theatre. Nothing stresses me out more than not having enough to pay OFF my bills. We'll see...
Roach was kind enough to give me her icky CD drive that doesn't seem to like burning for me on any of the native programs I already have, but I should be getting the program from her at some point. Now that I have it, though, I've been playing games I never thought I could again. I play a little of American McGee's Alice. Yikes! It's definitely interesting... I also have been playing the SIMs. Gah... I love the SIMs. I can play it for hours and hours. Evil, evil time-wasting game that takes away from my sleep. And that's why my eyes hurt. I'm not getting enough sleep... or something.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! The whirring of the CD drive... mmm...

Give Me A Break! SIMs, why do you taunt me so?!

Piccy of the week: Me, sleeping, like I should be doing more of...


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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