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Monday, Feb. 28, 2005 @ 2:15 P.M.

It's hot in herre!

All righty, then... just watched Robot Chicken for the first time. Have I ever said how much I love Seth Green and all that he does?! Yes... even Idle Hands. Anyways, Robot Chicken is a knee-slappin' good time.
Okay, so to continue with the story about what happened yesterday.
We had a fire in the compactor! Well, the alarms started going off. As I am used to the fires at work at the theatre being false alarms, I kept ringing up customers. I know, I know... but like I said, all the fire alarms at the theatre were ALWAYS false alarms. In this case, the one at the store was not. Mr. T was in the back throwing stuff away when he noticed a fire in the compactor. He put it out with an extinguisher and the smoke set off the alarms. When the alarms didn't go off for a good five minutes, the three employees (me, Jord, and Mi-chan) made sure all the customers were out of the building and went outside where it was quieter. We made sure no one else went in the building and waited. Two fire trucks came from two different fire departments. It was weird. We had a cop come in first and he waited around until the trucks came.
The fire dudes were pretty young... I'd say late twenties, early thirties. Man, it was interesting seeing the young man reprimanding the older Mr. T about getting out of the building as soon as the alarms went off. The fire dude was just doing his job, though. If people don't evacuate to one place during an emergency, it's the fire person's job to find them and can cause lots of hassle in general.
So, there was a fire in the compactor, meaning, there was garbage on fire. Yuck! I was disturbed by how long it took to get the fire out. A lot of smoke billowed out more than once. It was cold outside waiting to go back in. So, Jord broke into his own car using his antennae on his car. He had a frisbee so we threw it around to keep warm. I suck at catching and throwing frisbees! It was fun. We would stop anytime anyone drove up and tell them about the fire. It was fun.
Well, I gotta get ready for work now.

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