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Friday, Dec. 03, 2004 @ 9:42 A.M.

Happy Birthday to me!

I am now officially over a quarter of a century old...
:: Shrugs :: And I don't feel any different than when I turned twenty. I dunno why birthdays in my family have never been a big deal. I think we stopped celebrating birthdays in my family when I was about five or so. So, I look at pictures of when I did have birthday parties and I don't remember them at all. Don't get me wrong, my family wishes each other "Happy Birthday!" and we get cards and pressies, but we don't celebrate it with parties.
I wonder if it was a ploy by my mother so that us Manuel-kids wouldn't ask for birthday parties where we invite the neighborhood over. She always did hate cooking for a bunch of people. That woman is anti-social in the extreme. :: Chuckles ::
My sis-tor is in New York. Why? She is visiting with her friend that is gonna be a brain-surgeon/bio-chemist. Seriously, this girl double majored in smart stuff and is now going to school in NY city... and she has trouble tying her shoes. :: Laughs :: Geniuses are like that...
So, we are going to get the kittens on Saturday. I have three days off in a row! Score. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. I cannot wait to veg out with the kittens. Well, I should actually try to clean up since they will be curious about the new place. I hope they learn where the litterbox is quickly. We got them little collars and a dish. The little black one that P-chan picked out has been given to us as long as we name it Yoru. The other little black one that I wanted is named Panda. They are really quite adorable. I just hope they don't tear up the apartment.

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Listen Here! Shout It Out Loud from King of Bandits Jing...

Give Me A Break! It is soooooo COLD!!!!

Piccy of the week: Scary rainbow wig man!


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

Leave me some comments...
1 comments so far
clocks - 2004-12-04 15:45:29
happy bday!

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