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Sunday, Nov. 28, 2004 @ 1:57 P.M.

Angst and Thanksgiving...

It's been quite a while since I wrote here.
I have a My Space account and it, too, has a blog-thingy.
I don't know, I just really avoided the internet after Sydney died. I kinda told my sister about it and she said it sounded like I was trying to avoid people in general. True, I do have a lot of people I talk to on the internet through My Space, Gaia, and even Diaryland, but it's not like I wanted to talk to anyone that was right here either. She said I should've tried being with friends instead of pushing them away. To be frank, I was numb... emotionally. After I cried my eyes out at the vet's office when she died, I went almost completely numb. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to be with anyone. I didn't want to talk about replacing her. I just didn't want to feel attached to anything. I had been used to losing friends every four years, but this was different.
Right now my emotional state is a bit fragile. I broke down crying at work when I got a written warning. In my mind, I knew it wasn't that big a deal. I'm new and I make mistakes... especially if I wasn't trained properly... :: Cough :: But, the tears just came. Ms. D figured it was because at my other job I got written up for stupid reasons and was let go and I felt it was happening again. I dunno... I just felt horrible. I have been crying much more easily than I used to and that's saying something for those who know how easily I cry.
Sydney was my first pet since moving out of the house and I really did feel like she was my baby. I have this guilt that I didn't do enough to help her somehow. Guilt, it's a terrible thing. It's not something that someone can say, "Get over it!" and you can. It's a hurt that tightens your heart everytime you think about it. Talking about only helps if you understand it yourself. I am the type of person who analyzes feelings, but analyzing my own is hard. I'm not able to. I should talk to my sister or mother about it. They know how to get to the core of something. The people around me can't help me.

Sympathy? No, I think not. Empathy? Ziltch. Understanding? Forget about it.

So, I write.

On a lighter note, Thanksgiving was awesome! I brought my father over in the morning to take a look at my apartment. He was pretty impressed. Then, I brought my bro and sis over to have dinner and watch television and anime and eat and sleep over and have a grand ole time. We played DDR and talked about periods and had fun conversations. Roach called me passive-aggressive. I hadn't realized that I was that way. She said it was only towards certain people. Huh... I guess I have to try and treat everyone the same. :: Evil grin :: I hope certain people can handle it...

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Listen Here! Screw the Okampa! by Voltaire. He is so funny!!

Give Me A Break! Sadness... it really gets to me now...

Piccy of the week: Still the same old thing... oh, did I say old?


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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