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Friday, Aug. 13, 2004 @ 8:20 P.M.

Vacation California 2004 ENDs!

Okay, I was reminded of what we did on the last bits of our vacation... um... stuff.

Thursday we went to Hollywood and ate at Mel's Diner, watched some scary movies and Friday we went to the... wait for it...










Yes, we went to the mall folks. It was a gi-normous mall though! The had this awesome store that sold all kinds of knifes and bladed things. They even had an axe. There was this huge store with a bunch of stuff that Hot Topic would have and other kitchy stuff that Spencers would have... it was fun. I bought an ID card with my Johnny on it. "Class: Sexy!" :: Giggles ::

Saturday was when we went to the San Diego Comic Con. It was huge! They had tons of stuff to look at. It took us forever to get there though. Traffic was teh suck! But we finally made it and Mi-chan got to be Gloria for the day. We saw 'Buffy' promote her new movie, The Grudge. I cannot wait to see it. Me and Mi-chan saw the movie it was based off of today. Ju-On was sooooooo creepy! The cockroach woman noise was so disturbing and ACK! Ramen can make the noise... keep her away from me!

So we went to the dealer's room and picked up as much free anime and manga stuff we could carry. Dang, they had so much stuff! I finally bought a Red Dwarf shirt, 'cuz I didn't have any and a Skull plushie signed by the creator. So cute! After we got our Grudge posters, we went into the city to try to find something to eat. Every place was packed and my feet hurt so I wasn't exactly the most pleasant travel companion. Mi-chan got pissed off and even B-kun seemed a bit miffed, so we decided to leave the city and look for the first fast food joint we could.

After we got back to B-kun's apartment, we watched Blue Velvet. What a strange movie it was. It was good, but weird.

Sunday, we went to B-kun's theatre. They have nothing but Christie projectors there! And twenty-six screens! And it was an Edwards, so their staff is well trained! And they had pretzels! O.O

Saw two movies and then B-kun dropped us off at the airport... just dropped us there. The flight home was rocky. I thought I would die... seriously. I hate flying. -.-

Oh, and I am no longer a Regal lacky. ^_^

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Ramen playing Devil Dice...

Give Me A Break! Stupid corporations...

Piccy of the week: Where's the rainbow wig when I need it?


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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