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Saturday, Jul. 31, 2004 @ 2:46 P.M.

Vacation California 2004 part 2

Beware the Universal weirdness!

Once again, Mi-chan and I went on a week-long vacation to California to visit B-kun. Don't miss Mi-chan's take on the vacation.

All righty, so on to the second day of the trip... We somehow managed to force B-kun to take us to Universal Studios and show us a good time. :: Giggle :: Actually, he was a very gracious host. He never complained about driving us around or anything. I would have. I hate driving, especially in such hot weather. Sheesh. B-kun drove his little blue hatchback, which was lovingly dubbed the Smurfmobile, like a crazy man. You know how Californians are known for being insane drivers? Well, the guy would drive upwards of 80mph on the freeway. There was one point that he actually got up to 100mph!! It was scary and I will never complain about Ramen's driving ever again... maybe.

Universal Studios was great! We saw a bunch of stores on the way to it, including Hot Topic! Well, of course we went in. I love that store. They had gargoyles in front of it that were totally skazzy.

We actually looked around the shops before going in to the Universal Studios proper. There was so much stuff that I wanted to get, but I didn't 'cuz I knew that I couldn't really haul it all back to Washington on the plane.

Okay, so $45 later, we finally get into Universal Studios.

There is so much to see and too little time. There was tons of movie-type stuff... restaurants, shops, and shows. We went on the Universal tour. Our tour-guide was a self-proclaimed geek. I thought it was super-fun! B-kun said that a lot of it was shortened or missing. No Bruce, no dinos, no train... but I've never been on it so I didn't know what to expect. We got to ride a huge series of escalators. That in itself was fun. "Riding the movies!" We also went to the Special Effects show. It was hilarious! One of the guys that presented it was so flaming flamboyant. It was great! We also went to the T:2 3-D show. The scariest part was the bubbly presenter that kept saying, "Super!" :: Shudder :: The show was awesome. It really looked like the things on screen were about to reach out and touch you. There was one point where I actually ducked 'cuz the exploding debris was about to hit me! Scary. Um... then there was the Waterworld show. It was cool! There was one guy that sprayed me in the back with water as I walked by him. It was funny to watch him spray other people as they walked by. It wasn't until later, we found out that he played one of the bad guys in the show. He was really hilarious. All of the people in the front rows got wet from the show... mostly because he threw buckets of water at us, but it was fun! We did other stuff, but we were there for quite a long time so I don't remember any more.

After it got dark, we went back to B-kun's apartment and watched War of the Worlds. It was classic-y sci-fi goodness. And The Black Cauldron before that. Wow, that definitely was not a kid's film.

And that was the second day.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Megas XLS... such a fun show!

Give Me A Break! The sun is so hot!

Piccy of the week: Rainbow wigs rule, baby!


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Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
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Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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