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Monday, Jan. 12, 2004 @ 4:34 P.M.

Slightly boring and catching up...

Pffffft... I have no idea what to write. I've had the last two days off and I haven't really done much...

Right now, I'm watching taped Saturday morning cartoons even though I prolly should be getting ready for work. Eh... I'm only going to go in for a few hours anyways.

Oh! I remember something that I should mention. The interviews for the GM position are finally gonna happen. So, tomorrow, I am working a semi-double and getting interviewed by the man in charge. I so can't help feeling a bit nervous. I try not to talk to the guy on any level and now I have to interview with him one on one? Gravy... I'm toasted marshmallows on a stick.

My kitty is so noisy. She didn't used to be this noisy. She also has a fondness for sleeping on my lap so I can't move when I need to do something important, like eating or sleeping or using the facilities. Honestly, it's the cat innate ability to sit right where you don't want them to be.

Yesterday, I did some power cleaning. I did the dishes, did my laundry, swept up the bathroom and kitchen, wiped up the counters, tidied up the living room and vacuumed. In the last three days, I've taken out at least three full garbage bags to the dumpster. How we generate so much garbage, I'll never know. It's like the dishes... no matter how much is cleaned, there is always another dozen dishes that come out of the air. I wonder if somehow they are multiplying without us noticing. Same with the garbage... >.> ... <.< ... >.> They're multiplying... I better watch out. In fact, I need to take out another full bag of garbage before it overflows. I think that the dishes can wait. 'Course, I will be gone for a while. Hopefully the sink isn't full when I come home.

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Listen Here! ::Jingle, jingle:: Sydney's tags tell us exactly where she is.

Give Me A Break! What does it say in my profile, again? How I don't what to clean up after others?

Piccy of the week: Dance...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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