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Friday, Jan. 02, 2004 @ 4:26 P.M.

New Year and stuff...

Happy New Year!! 2004...

Okay, y'know how I said I don't like driving in the snow? Well, there isn't enough snow to worry 'bout... at least not here in Issaquah. Washington drivers are wimps. They see a millimeter of snow and they panic. People kept saying that my little car would never make it anywhere, but I have front-wheel drive and heavy stuff to put in my trunk(35lbs of kitty litter and 6 twelve packs of soda) so I didn't have any problems. Did they think I'm barmy? I am the type who overthinks and plans ahead too much... I knew exactly how to deal with a little itty bit of snow. I still can't put chains on, though... eh, heh, heh...

I never finished tellin' ya about my Christmas... um... I got more stuff, mostly anime related and uh... yeah.

New Year's was pretty fun. It was me, Momo-kun, and Mi-chan again. Last New Year's we were at work, this time we were at our apartment. We had to put Sydney in my room so she wouldn't get too spooked or eat the confetti. She likes to chew on plastic and shiny things. We drank sparkling cider and watched some Futurama and Bring it On. I'd never seen that movie. It was pretty funny. I actually went to a high school that had cheerleaders that went to nationals. I was always amazed at their athleticism, but some of them were the stereo-typical dumb cheerleaders.

I should get ready for work, but I'm feeling kinda sick and Sydney seems to think that my lap is the best bed in the world. I wonder if she just gets cold and gravitates towards the warmest, safest spots in the apartment... I would.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Ha, ha!

Give Me A Break! Darn this cold weather...

Piccy of the week: Dancing is so fun... isn't it Chichiri?


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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