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Mr. Flibble and Rimmer

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Got Brains?

Monday, Apr. 14, 2003 @ 1:00 A.M.

Fwah na na... na na... na na...

Gokou: Hello? ::Looks around, baffled:: This place looks different.

Kyou: Who the Hell are you?

Gokou: Oh, no one really. Just visiting. ::Scratches the back of his neck:: Things sure have changed since I been here last.

Kyou: ::Narrows eyes and frowns:: Whaddaya mean by that?

Gokou: Well... you. You weren't here before... were you? ::Looks at the orange-haired bishounen closely, then shakes his head:: Nope, I'd remember you.

Kyou: Oi! ::Hackles raised slightly:: You just stay where you are!

Gokou: Sure thing. ::Hands up in front of him to show he means no harm:: Um... by the way... is Vegeta 'round here somewhere?

Kyou: That guy? ::He points his thumb over his shoulder towards the archive pages:: He guards the older stuff. Oi, 'Geta!!

Vegeta: What do you want, kid? ::He growls as he spots Gokou:: Kakarotto...

Gokou: Hey, Vegeta! ::Waves while standing three feet away from him::

Vegeta: Idiot... ::Crosses his arms across his chest:: What are you doing here? ::A slightly eager gleam comes into his eyes:: Have you come to spar? This kid's no challenge. ::Jerks head in Kyou's direction::

Kyou: Oi! What are you talking about? You've never even tried to fight me! ::Full hackles including ears are up::

Vegeta: ::Not even deigning to face Kyou:: Believe me, kid, I would destroy you. ::Totally ignoring the angry Kyou:: Well, Kakarotto?

Gokou: Y'mean I can't eat first? ::Rubs stomach:: I'm hungry...

Vegeta: No! We can eat later!! Let's go!! ::Powering up slightly and, incidently, knocks Kyou on his butt::

Gokou: ::Pouty:: Oh, all right... ::Powers up to match Vegeta::

Kyou: Ow...

::I skip in singing the Snorks song:: Happy we'll be, living under the sea! Come along with the Snor... ks. Kyou-kun? What's going on? Why are you rubbing your tukus like that?

Kyou: Them. ::Points upwards::

::Tilts head back all the way:: Ooooooooooo... cooooooool... GO VEGGIE-KUN!!!!

Vegeta: ONNA, DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!! ::Punches Gokou in the ribs::

Gokou: ::Looking hurt, more from my rooting for Vegeta:: What 'bout me?

Kyou: ::Frowns even more while getting back on his feet::

::Shouting up to Gokou:: Sorry, man. Veggie-kun is who I love. ::Looks to Kyou:: Kyou-kun, cheer up some. You look all poopy. Smile, or else... ::I advance at him with my arms outstretched::

Kyou: Oi! Stay away!! ::Starts to back away::

Uh, uh... ::Waggles a pointer finger at him:: Smile.

Kyou: No.

Do it.

Kyou: You can't make me.

I can and I will.

Kyou: ::Sweatdrops:: Where's a roof when I need it? ::Grimaces:: There, see?

That's not a smile! ::Grins then pounces on him:: Whee!

Kyou: ::Changed into an orange cat:: Why me?

::Huggles Kyou:: Aww... cutie.

Kyou: ::Ears down in embarassment::

Gokou: Hey! ::Laughing and pointing at Kyou in cat-form:: Is that the kid? ::Bleeding from a cut lip::

Vegeta: Yeah, he's just a pussy. ::Smirks, even though one eye is starting to puff up::

Kyou: Oh, yeah! I'll take you on!! ::Hackled and claws splayed::

::I gasp, in shock at Vegeta's language:: Veggie-kun, what's wrong with you?

Vegeta: Onna...

::Trying to smooth down Kyou's fur:: And you! No fighting the Saiyajins... they're too strong... and they fly. You, most definitely cannot. ::Kyou calms slightly::

Gokou: Um... is there anything to eat 'round here? ::Looking like he's about to die from hunger:: I'm starving!

Vegeta: Idiot.

Rimmer: Quit yer foul whining, you filthy piece of distended rectum!

Gokou: Who was that? ::Looks to the man in a gingham dress and a penguin puppet:: Huh?

Hmm? Oh, that's just Arnie and Mr. Flibble. ::Points in a vague direction away from the diary:: There should be food out there.

Gokou: Really? Well, see ya guys! ::Flies off::

Thank gooshness, he's gone. Vegeta, please tell me next time you decide to have friends over.

Vegeta: I never invited him, onna. ::Crosses his arms:: And the Prince of All Saiyajins will do as he pleases.

Whatever. Go back to the archives or I'll call Gokou back to kick your ass. ::I smile sweetly at the Prince::

Vegeta: ::A shocked look crosses his face for a moment, then his hands fall to his sides and his fists ball up:: Fine. ::Stomps off::

::Giggle:: Okay, Kyou, now wasn't that fun?

Kyou: Not really.

::My own fist rises:: What?

Kyou: ::Sweatdrops:: I mean, yes, yes... that was wonderful, mistress.

Good. I'm glad we all had fun. ::Pats Kyou on the head::

Hee, hee, hee...

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Give Me A Break! Actually, I'm feelin' great at the mo'!

Piccy of the week: Whoa, Kyou...


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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