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Got Brains?

Sunday, Dec. 29, 2002 @ 2:37 A.M.

Talk, talk, talk... but does anyone ever listen?

Hee hee! I should be sleeping since it's my turn to drive to church in the morning, but I'se not tiiiiiii-red. Not one lil' bitty, bit. My sis said that if I have to work tomorrow, then she'll have to watch movies. I figure Two Towers and Gangs of NY would cover most of my shift. Jeez, those movies are long! Then, Catch Me If You Can would tackle the rest. That's a great movie, by the way!! It was soooooo funny!!!

In an earlier entry, where I describe what everyone can do at work, I failed to mention my fave stupid white guy, Geoff. He, in fact, can do everything... well. So, I didn't think I had to say anything about him. He's just an all around guy that can do anything. I'm so proud... Actually, I was just putting down who can do the important, has to be done every week jobs that I have the misfortune to KNOW how to do, but hope that someone else has done, because they have to be done or we're all gonna die, type of thing. ::Shrug::

Ooooooooo... I didn't tell ya what I got for pressies! Lovely things... wonderful things...

My sis gave me a cool adult Anakin Skywalker action figure. Now, this isn't when he's Darth Vader... it's when he's still a Jedi, but an adult! He has his Jedi outfit and everything... it also came with a cool book that shows the developement of Vader. It's really awesome!!! I couldn't believe she got that for me. She also got me Garu to match my Pucca doll. Yay for stuffies! And she got me an art book of Warner Bros. animation. Totally neato! Also, I gots tapes of Andrew Llyod Webber musicals. Cool, cool.

My bro gots me Gohan and Trunks action figures. The funny thing, is their balls light up... Ooooooooooo, you've got dirty minds!!!! It's pure energy, I tell ya!

Jen got me Rocky Horror Picture Show on DVD! I watched it ten times already!! I'm insane to watch it in a theatre and do the audience participation!!! My sis thinks I'm crazy... she wondered why I knew what the audience participation track was saying and was shocked to hear that I had watched that version twice in the two days that I had the DVD. Heh... I love my monkey bank, too! The funny thing is, I didn't know it was a monkey bank when I opened the present. I thought that I had received another mug, but when I opened the box the next day to wash it, I was delighted to see that it was a monkey. And then, the next day when I told Jen about it, she told me that it makes noises when you put coins in it! I came home and tried it and showed my sis. I think she's frightened of me, now.

Um... I got other stuff too, but those are the things that stick in my mind at the moment. I just know, I loved it all!

I still have to shop for some things that I didn't get this Christmas.

I want a PS2. Moises! You still owe me a present!! I demand one, now!!! ::Giggle:: Just kiddin'! Really, though... I want to play Kingdom Hearts(for the Disney characters) and Xenogears(to make my bro jealous). Also, sis really wants us to have another DVD player that's not connected to a computer.

I want to get Lilo & Stitch and Ice Age on DVD. Maybe, the Outlaw Star 3 DVD set. Best Buy, here I come! Oh, and I definitely will get the DareDevil soundtrack when it comes out. Baby...

I cannot believe that holiday shopping was down this year. It must be the war on terrorism thing. Me... I thought that I did my part to help the economy. No use in money if you don't enjoy spending it on presents for others. Ah, and Moises... you're a jerk for not buying Ryan a Secret Santa gift. But don't worry. Alex got it for him. Ya big doofus...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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