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Got Brains?

Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2002 @ 3:37 A.M.

Merry Christmas to all...

It's Christmas morning and I should be sleeping, but ha, ha! I'm not working!! It's been four years since I got a Christmas off. I hope everyone has fun!!! ::Giggle, giggle, snort, guffaw:: Sorry...

Honestly, I really am glad that I could hang with the fam today. My bro has to work, but them's the breaks. He works for Regal now, baby... buh-wah-ha-ha!!!! They own his soul and he'll never be free of 'em. I can't believe I've been with this company that long. ::Sigh:: Oh well, pays the bills. I think that I need to seriously look for a new job, or try and get more job satisfaction somehow.

Brent can handle weekly Inventory.

Randy and Jen can handle weekly Paperwork.

Moises can handle weekly Payroll. (Crap, which reminds me... I forgot to e-mail Shelly the figures. Stupid me.)

Eric and Dieter can handle booth stuff.

Alex can handle training.

Ryan can... um... yeah, Ryan can all right.

Well, they do that anyways, except for Brent and Alex. I just want to be able to worry about one thing and that's HR stuff(hiring, interviews, reviews, raises). What I really hate is having to do interviews. I also hate having to be the only one who does them and being in charge of hiring on top of having to do regular managerial stuff. ::Grrrrr::

Aaaaack! I can't do sit-ups anymore!! What the...!? I really need to get my butt into gear. Jeez... that's sad. I used to be able to do those, easily. I wonder what happened to me? I bet it's because I'm like, "Eh... whatever" all the time. That's not a good attitude to have. I need to like myself more than that. Geh... taking care of myself... I suppose. Okay, now that I've started on my New Year's Resolutions early, I should be able to start them on time. Everyone knows what a late person I can be.

::Uproarious laughter sounds::

Awwwwww... y'guys are mean to me...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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