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Thursday, Dec. 19, 2002 @ 12:51 P.M.

I'm back... for now...

Wha' the...? Nine days without writing something?! How did that happen?!! I'll tell ya what... work. Stupid work, crappy work, but work that pays the bills. Geh... I'm getting headaches. I've never had real headaches before and now I'm getting them constantly. I thought at first that it was my lovely, lovely medication that I hate to take with a passion, but it's not. My sis says that it's not the pills, it's the fact that I haven't been sleeping properly. Sleep...? What's that? I have heard of this thing, but it is but a memory from a long time ago...

In any case, what's been going on with me lately? Um... I know I've been contributing to the economy again. My shopping sprees are quick and fruitful. Hoo boy! I sure have problems holding back on buying stuff for people... especially Jen. Every single time I see something that I know she'd like, I have to stop myself. My sis was reminding me not to buy any more for her. But... but, the stuff! She'd absolutely love it! How could I not buy it for her?!! Aaaaargh!!! Oh, well... And all the other stuff for my friends. Lotsa cute and cool things. At least, I hope they think so. I'm so glad that the mall hasn't been completely swamped. I think that most people have been doing online shopping or something. Maybe they're waiting until the last minute? I feel sorry for those poor saps. Heh...

Guess what? Brendan called! Actually, he called me twice this week. The first time, it was on Sunday and we had just gotten home from church and we had to eat lunch. Then it was on Wednesday and I was already at church. It's always so great to hear from him. Considering he's all the way in California, it always amazes me that he's willing to call long distance to talk to lil' ole me. Do I deserve such friendship? Naw... not really, but it's appreciated.

Lessee... I watched Two Towers. Let me tell ya, it's awesome! And that's it. I slept over at Jen's house two nights in a row since we were at work so late and it's no use for me to drive back to Seattle and come back to work a few hours later. Geh... I hate driving. It makes me sleepy... and that's not good. Yesterday, the Youth Group had a Christmas party. We dressed up in our Christmas jammy-jams and brought food and elephant gifts and it was fun!! We got to decorate Nate and Bethany as Christmas trees and went to sing carols to the older folk. Fun stuff!!

Now, I'm supposed to cook something and eat it. If I don't get to work, it might be from unintentional poisoning. Pray for me...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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