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Got Brains?

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002 @ 11:37 A.M.

Well, how was your day so far? It's only 11:30AM!

Okay, so I'm up. Not because I want to be, but because I got, like, three calls this morning for no good reasons. First, my mother calls me at the unGodly hour of 9:00AM. Why?! Because some ace-hole decided to put me on the alarm center's calling list for whenever the alarm goes off at the theatre. Sufficed to say, they stupidly called my parent's house and my mother called me. She of course knows nothing about what's going on and proceeds to tell them that I work at the Issaquah. ::Rolls eyes:: Great mom... good job on informing them of what they already know. ::Shakes head:: I'm so annoyed.

Then, somebody else calls while I'm trying to get back to sleep. Aaaaaargh! Why does nobody want me to have a good day?!! They didn't even leave a message, the bastard.

Once again, trying to get to sleep and Moises calls. What the P-H-O?!!! Okay, so Des isn't at the HR meeting... big whoop. Apparently there's gonna be a lot of new changes in the way we hire people. Wonderful. Fantastic. Can I go back to bed now?


Remember those freaks on the roof? Well, they're back and louder than ever. I really want to climb up there and push every last one of them and watch their bodies make a lovely splat sound as they land. Blissfully quiet once again... until the ambulances and po-po arrive. Darn. No murdering people today. ::Sigh::

I think, lately, I've been losing my temper much more easily. I honestly can't think of why. Wait... could it be the stress at work and at the apartment? Yeah... that could be it. That, and my Aunt Flo could be visiting. ::Growl::

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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