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Got Brains?

Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002 @ 10:24 P.M.

Ha ha... you owe me big!

Maybe I should try writing on a daily basis... these entries are getting ridiculously long.

Thursday, remember how I was supposed to go to Spirited Away with Jen and Genesis? Well, it didn't happen... I'm still not quite sure what happened and I'm not one to pry, so we'll just leave it at that. One noteworthy thing: I got to work early! Had our lovely, tense manager's meeting and stuff. Did some more of the hiring paperwork, and helped break down a movie for Randy. Poor Randy, he took the bad MUT and got Signs all scratched up and on the floor. On a lighter note, I was able to break down my movie pretty quickly without any probs except that Eric didn't cut off the attached trailer and I had a crappy time trying to find where to cut for the beginning of the film. Didn't preview any of the movies, even though I wanted to see Tuxedo, but I was crashin' bad and had to get some sleep.

Friday, I worked a mid-shift and if that isn't some sort of medieval torture I don't know what is... Forcing a person to work for most of the day and into the night... it's just cruel and unusual. I know that Des was trying to help me out by only scheduling me until 11PM, but why come in at 1:30PM? That's way too many hours to be working in a day. It's fine for you hourly assts, but dang! Have a heart, people!! Oh, and I was early on this day too. Weeee-ird... but I made up for it by getting a frappacino with Jen first and starting ten minutes later than I should have started. Ryan was relieved saying, "Now, that's more like it Roalee... thanks for the frappy."

Saturday... i... was... brain-dead... ::ZZZZZZZZ:: My mind didn't function up to maximum capacity that day. Considering how silly I am on a regular basis, that was pretty bad. I was calling up potential employees, yeah? And I totally was leaving messages on their machines, right? Well, I, like, spaced on what our phone number at work was. "If you're still interested in the job please call us back at 555... um... uh... shoot... ::LONG PAUSE::.. wait a sec while I find the number... I'm so sorry! ::Shuffling through papers:: Oh, 555 555-5555. Just ask for a manager." Aaaaaaaaaargh!!!!! What was wrong with me?!!! It kinda went downhill from there. Jen braided my hair on my break and I found out that everybody hates me. ::Sob:: They're so mean to me at work, really! Jen came over to the apartment and we watched Ranma 1/2 and Inu-Yasha. We ordered some nummy pizza from Papa Johns, using a coupon from the coupon books Jen's lil' sis is selling (buy them, they're great! Ack!! Now I'm advertising... not good), ate, drank and were merry. I hope the neighbors didn't think we were too loud. Since no po-po banged on our door, I guess we were good. Then, we slept.

Today... whew! Finally, caught up. Brought Jen to church with us. Subjected her to the 'rent's scrutiny and showed her my mother's yard. Considering how little I went out there, it was interesting for me as well. My mother is just plain weird, but thankfully, we only talked about food, work, and religion at lunch. Mother did ask Jen a lot of questions, but she wasn't too nosy... it must be because Jen's of the female persuasion. Now, if I had brought home Geoff... that would be a whole different bag of worms. Heh... Went to IKEA after lunch to buy a shower liner. Apparently, I drip way too much water everywhere. It never happened before I got there, Roach assures me. ::Huff:: Just 'cuz I have long hair, I get persecuted. Man... no respect. I also got some orange hangers... score!!! After the shopping trip, Jen and I realized we needed to shop at IKEA and Best Buy next time we had enough money. Yeah, baby! My paycheck is gone in less than two days... between gas and stuff... it's a given. I really need to push the loan shark deals better. Ryan owes me dinner and a movie. Heh... Jen, he, and I went to see Spirited Away and he had no cash... and they take cash only. Good thing I'm a walking bank. Lessee... Geoff owes me money and his soul... Chris owes me money... Moises owes me dinner, DVDs, and money... am I missin' anybody else? Who else wants to be beholden to me? I can take it... but like I said to my sis when she asked for rent money... y'all are vampiric vultures. ::Grin::

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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