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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002 @ 11:23 P.M.

Hey, hey... what's going on?

Alrighty, then... I have had quite a few days to contemplate what to write about and I decided... it's too early in the morning for this. Do you see the time? It's freakin' 11AM! I'm making myself breaky!!! Who woulda thought?

Happy belated Birthday, Genesis!

Lessee... I can't remember what I did on Monday. Oh, right! I went to Spirited Away with Moises and Rochelle. It was great!! Even though it was in English. Moises was kinda shocked about it... he shoulda known better, Disney helped get it to America. Fools...

Tuesday, I had to go back to work. I was kinda glad... I could get back into a semi-routine that could get me back to semi-normal. ::Laughter:: Normal, right... I gave myself an hour to get to work, but it took me an hour AND A HALF to get to work. I cannot believe the traffic!!! I also can't believe that Des left me with all the hiring crap. Let me tell you, it didn't help my headache or my cold any. I must be allergic work I tell ya! The funny thing is, I did one interview and I set up an interview for Saturday and all these freaks wanting jobs came outta the woodworks... it was bizarre, like they knew the hiring manager was back from vacation. Aaaaargh!!!!

Wednesday... I read... a book... it was strange not having the television or the computer on. I decided that I would check out the books my sis put in our new bookcase. She set it up nicely and figured I should start putting my CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes away. I found some interesting readin' and started doing just that. It was about toning muscles and keeping fit. I need to invest in some weights. Anyways, listened to music, read some diaries, cleaned the dishes, read some more. That night, me and Roach went to church where there was a special guest speaker from Jerusalem. His message was very powerful and just showed me how truely ignorant Americans are about the suffering and warring that happens everyday in the Middle East. It's sad, really...

But then, guess what? Guess what?!! Brendan called!!! All the way from Cali, he called. Poor lil' guy... he hates his theatre more than ever and it sounds like all of the upper management are man-hating bitches. While that may sound good to some of you, it's not fair that they treat him like shit and don't even teach him how to do the new rules we have on the floor. They could at least be helpful to him instead of setting him up for failure. But he's stubborn(and needing money) so, he won't let them drive him away. It was so good to hear from him. We talked for over, I dunno, three hours? Four? I can't remember... it was for a very long time and it was all good. I do miss him.

Right now, I'm waiting for Jen and Genesis. They were supposed to come and pick me up so we could go to Spirited Away together. ::Sob:: They left me all alone...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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