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Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 @ 5:03 P.M.

The longest week in the world...

And as Chris would say, "Three days later!"

Sorry, I've had such a soul searingly, gut-wrenching, head-achy week... and it was my vacation. What fun!!!

I think that my tiredness and headache are from the fact that I've done nothing but drink Vanilla Coke since Monday night. I have now succumbed to caffine addiction and must go through caffine withdrawal. Most people would take an asprin, but not me, baby! I'll live through this pain and not be a wuss.

Hoooookaaaay... the Puyallup Fair on Wednesday was awesome! I had only gone there once before with Rotchana and that was a loooong time ago. This time, I went with Jen, Genesis, Lisa(Jen's lil' sis), and Priscilla(Lisa's friend also known as P-chan). We went on rides! We ate cotten candy!! I got to go upside down!!! I wanted to go on more upside down rides, but the only one who wanted to do that was Lisa. The rest of them were chicken, especially Jen and Gen... hee! There was this one ride... well, it wasn't so much a ride as it was a cylindrical enclosure that spun around. The point is that it spun so fast, that the cyntrifugal force kept us pinned to the wall and the floor descended and we were hanging there and it was scary!!!! I screamed quite a bit. Screaming is fun... especially on fairly tame rides. I think that I screamed more on the tamer rides than the one that went upside down. Isn't that weird? No wait... the really weird thing was when we were in line for the Scrambler at the end of the night and Des was there. Jen pointed out a red-head and asked if I could tell who it was. Aaaaargh! It was Des!! What madness is this?!!! Is she stalking us? Anyways, some of the prizes I got were stuffies of a red dragon(which P-chan won for me) and a bad-ass ducky. I'm so lucky... but what I really wanted was the humongous Scooby-Doo stuffy. ::Pout::

Thursday, I didn't really do too much. Attended the manager's meeting by being on the phone. I'm glad I didn't have to fraggin' drive down to Issaquah for a meeting that was barely an hour long. I helped Roach shop for her movie party and put away more of my stuff.

Friday, I came back to the 'rent's house to get more clothes, my tape holder, my CD case rack, and some of my prized figurines. Went back to the apartment and watched Mel Brooks movies(Blazing Saddles, The Producers, Twelve Chairs, and History of the World) until 3AM. Quite a few people showed up, left, and then more showed up after midnight! Gods, was I tired in the morning.

Saturday, went down to Renton with Roach to drop off Ruchi(her friend) and we promptly watched some cartoons and fell asleep. After lunch, went to the East Valley to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding with my sis. It's such a great movie. Went to Ikea and bought a TV stand and a nice shelving system to hold my CDs and DVDs and some books, too. Then, we went to Auburn to join the Youth rally at the new church there. It was great... the YPs of the Shoreline church are so talented. They led the praise songs beautifully.

Today, I went to church. Yay! Rogee took me, Roach, and mum out to shop for Roach's b-day pressies. She got Pedro the Lion and Dashboard Confessional CDs. She's into indie bands... really indies bands. Pedro the Lion? Eh? Now, she's practicing her guitar with the free picks she got from Guitar Center. The salespeople there are so nice. There were only four of the medium picks left that she wanted, so the guy just gave them to her since they weren't even in the inventory. Just goes to show ya, you never know when you'll get something for free until you ask.

Why is it that everyone wants a piece of the Manuel sisters? My sister was complaining that she has too many friends. Considering how she says she's anti-social, she is very social. The thing is, she gets tired of hanging out with them all the time. I would never get tired of hanging out... I just get tired of having to drive around all the time. I hate driving. I also refuse to drive in Seattle if I can't help it. I just know that I'll hit a pedestrian and it won't be on accident... heh. Okay, now what was I saying? Chris wants to go see Ballistic, Moises wants to go see Spirited Away, Rogee wants to go see anything, and Jen wants to go see Spirited Away. That's all I'm good for, seeing movies with... not that I mind. Roach said that I ruined the movie night since I kept popping in the movies without any breaks to talk about them or mingle or eat. 'Scuse me... I'm just a TV-aholic. I can't help it. Pffffft!

I'm gonna need another week of vaca just to recover from this vacation. Whew...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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