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Got Brains?

Saturday, Aug. 31, 2002 @ 2:52 A.M.

I am woman... ::Pounds chest:: Ow!

Hey, hey... I'm talkin' to my good friends, Jen and Geoff, online. I haven't done that it a long time. Here's just a sample of our intellectually stimulating conversations.

Geoff says:

���What did you tell Des anyway, Roalee?

Geoff says:

���Randy wasn't specific.

Geoff says:

���"God damnit woman, we must find some doctor who will accept comp passes to reverse the lobotomy!"

RoaPearl says:

���Well, he got the info from Alex... who wasn't there either.

RoaPearl says:

���Jen was...

RoaPearl says:

���I really can't remember very well, actually.

Geoff says:

���"Step off, bitch!" ...?

Jen says:

���It wasn't all that exciting, really.

Geoff says:

���Well, get on with it.

Geoff says:

���It's been built up taller than a god damn WTC tower on Sept. 10th.

Geoff says:

���Specifics, man!

RoaPearl says:

���Um... I started off with something mumbled under my breath, but loud enough for Des to hear... uh... lemme think.

RoaPearl says:

���I think she said something about being annoyed about something.

RoaPearl says:

���"...blah, blah, blah... annoyed...blah, blah, blah." "Not as annoyed as I was during the last rush."

RoaPearl says:

���Something like that, I think. Then she asked why and I said something about how I coulda used Alex's help, I believe.

Geoff says:

���Funny thing... having all the managers around for the 7:00 set.

RoaPearl says:

���I basically said I was mad at her for not being there for the rush.

Geoff says:

���It's about time someone mentioned that to her.

Geoff says:


Geoff says:

���"Bitch, I don't care if you leave.. you're useless. But Alex can do something now and again..."

Now, before this lovely convo, we had been discussing Geoff's turning into a veggie freak. I really don't remember exactly what I said to Des, but it caused her to run over to Barne's and stay outta my way. I thought I was pretty polite about it, but I could be wrong... heh.

::Yawnage:: Despite Dr. Pepper and sugar, I feel sleep tugging at me. How sad... I sleep...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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