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Got Brains?

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002 @ 10:54 P.M.

Two days worth... whoa!

Yesterday I almost died! It's not surprising considering that I was in Geoff's capable driving hands. His death trap of a magnet woman station wagon is something I would not recommend for the weak of heart to get in. I liken riding with Geoff to riding on a roller coster. Now I love roller coasters and thrill rides... I think it's the adrenaline rushing that gets me all giddy, but I know that the rides are safe. Riding in Geoff's car is most certainly not. At least I'm alive enough to relay my warning to you all... DON'T GET IN GEOFF'S CAR AND LET HIM DRIVE!!! You have been warned.

I woke up and headed to Jen's house. I was surprised when she answered in a sleepy voice. Her alarm didn't go off! And I was already running late. Geoff was gonna yell at me... We get to the theatre and Geoff looks like he just rolled outta bed. He was scruffy and looked like he hadn't combed his hair and was wearing clothing that was just laying on the floor. Me, Jen, Ryan, and Geoff climbed into his POS car and headed off to the Bellevue Square Mall... the thing is, we couldn't find our way there. We decided to go to Crossroads and visit the Half-Priced books. Jen was able to find some Bone comics and Geoff found some book on some Chinese guy, but I just had a nice chat about Piers Anthony with Ryan. Piers Anthony is my favorite author and I've read almost everything he's written. It was amazing to find that there was someone else who read most of his series also. We had to finally call Genesis to come over and lead us to Bellevue. She actually had to lead us to a gas station first and then a Wendy's so we could eat, and then go to the anime store in Bellevue. I bought a Trigun mini-lunch box, a J-Pop DVD, and a sheet cover. Then we finally got to the mall proper. When we got there, Ryan led us around in circles. We went into a GameStop or something and then that's when things got wonky. The boys were being stupid by running off ahead... well, maybe not running, but they were walking faster than is recommended for shopping. Sufficed to say, it did not make Jen happy. The whole point of us going together was for all of us to go shopping TOGETHER. I knew that the boys would be difficult, but who knew that they'd simply not be there with us. That's okay, I bought a whole bunch of cute stuffies and a Flogging Molly CD. They are awesome. I have also decided to make Stitch a Goth. Hee!

Just as we were heading towards the car, who would appear but the boys! It's a good thing too... Geoff would have had no idea how to get home without Genesis. I just felt a presence behind me and I turned around and there they were!! I showed them my new Stitch!!! It's so kawaii... and Ryan thought so too. Geoff just looked scared. Neither of the boys could show anything for their four hours at the mall. I guess they were just looking for us for over an hour. Aww... We all decided to go to Best Buy in Southcenter. Unfortunately, we ended up shopping at actual mall. I bought some stuff at Hot Topic. Geoff asked if the store was actually owned by the Gap and a worker there said they were independently owned. Yay! I don't have to expunge all my Hot Topic stuff. Oh... we also went to Claire's and me and Jen bought some rings. Mine's had dragons on them. They're lovely. Ryan said that we were just trying to look cool with buying bracelets at Hot Topic. Riiiiiiiight... if I wanted to look cool, it wouldn't be buying stuff with skulls on them. I just like skulls. I was sad that there was nothing with flaming skulls on them. I wish there was something with flames, skulls, black cats, a blade, a cross, and a gun on it. That would be the epitome of awesomeness.

We had to go after Ryan ran away from the mall... actually he was starting to freak out about the "whole social interaction thing" as he put it and waited outside. He said he smoked more cigs that day than in a long time because of Geoff's driving and people. That boy gets stressed too easily. ::Laughing:: Although... Geoff's skills could drive a person to smoke. We had to drop off Ryan and then headed to Jen's for pizza and anime. Anime party! Geoff's officially fallen into the geekdom. ::Snicker::

Wednesday... I brought my mother and bro to The Debut, a Filipino movie... or is it Pilipino? I never can tell. That movie represents my family so much, it's not even funny. If you ever want to understand my family a little better, just watch that movie... it explains a lot. Ooooooo... next time I'm at Best Buy I need to look for Rex Naverette CDs. Brown... ::Snort:: Yeah, that's me. ::Laughter::

For church, we went bowling at Cascade Casino/Bowling. It was so great... my hair and clothes reek of the lovely scent of smoke. I never have to take up smoking... I get enough of it second hand. ::Cough:: My throat hurts like Hell, but that's all right, I got a score of 104!! Whoo-hoo!!! We then went for pizza and ice cream. I can't believe that Dwight is 15! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DWIGHT!!! He's such a darling... and I think Bethany fancies him. ::Wink::

I get home and guess who calls? Chris... he says I should go down to the theatre and keep him company while he fixes the chairs. ::Derisive snort:: Sure... I'll go running down there right now. Please... what did he expect me to do? Instead, I called Jen and talked to her while they were closing down the day. It's almost as good as actually being there. Eventually, I called the theatre so I could be on the speaker phone and get Geoff in on the convo. I love all the ways we can communicate.

Oh, and Jen likes Geoff... she's had a crush on him for a while.



::Laughing until sides hurt::

Like my bro loves to remind me... I'm weird and hard to understand. Therefore, I could never find the right guy for me. But I'll have to rant about that another day. Morny-morn!

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