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Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2002 @ 9:49 P.M.

Buying stuff for others is the best kind of irresponsibility...

I just got home from church. It was a pretty boring day before my sister came down. I did talk to Geoff and that was fun, but it's not something to write about... although I just did. Oh, before I talked to Geoff online, I was playing The Sims. I played that practically all day... isn't that sad? My characters, especially the Friendly house is pathetic. They still can't take care of themselves for the amount of time that it took for me to shower. Yay! Showers are great when they're cold. I already spend too much time getting ready and wasting water, but whatever... it's hot out here!

Anyways, when my sis got here, we went to Fred Meyer's to finally pick up Rogee's graduation pictures. Those things turned out waaaaay too dark to be any good. Oh, also picked up a Lotto ticket for my dad. That reminds me... I need to give it to him. I dunno why this is such a big deal, but I still think of it as a form a gambling. Right now, though, I don't give a 'quah about much of anything. After Freddy's, we went to Guitar Center. We looked around for the guitar that Roach wanted (purple, small electric acoustic), but it was gone. She decided, instead, to go for an acoustic Taylor. It's sounds great and everyone said that it's a wonderful make. It came with a beige case and she also bought a cool looking red and black strap. I'm such a sap... I always love buying stuff for other people. One of my weaknesses, I suppose. Still, Roach owes me a new car with all the money that I've loaned her. She said that if she has to, she'll make money playing guitar on a street corner. I'll not hold my breath on that new car... it's not like I need one right now. All I need now is a vacation. Shopping some more would be great, too. I also want to get totally blasted with my friends... Just kiddin'! Seriously, I want to hang and not worry about a bunch of 'quah. Sometimes I wish I were as irresponsible as other people my age, but that's not me. ::Sigh::

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