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Sunday, Jul. 21, 2002 @ 12:50 P.M.

It's a day that defies description...

Just got home from church. I haven't been for quite a while, which is sad... I wish that my work schedule was more accomidating, but such is life. I did get to drive the van... I love big cars!

Yesterday was pretty boring at work. I puttered around making sure concessions was stocked up and tried to bother them into working, but I just wasn't into it. I made a list of all our posters and buttons... found some Goldmember ones that we should have already been wearing. Why doesn't anyone ever tell me these things?!!! I handed some out and showed the managers the poster list so they could claim some, thinking that the managers could have first choice... but noooooo! Des said we had to give the employees a chance at some of them too. ::Pout:: I don't wanna give 'em the choice of the good ones that only have two! Especially the "Powerpuff" and "Reign of Fire" ones!! Me want, me want!!!

I asked to go home a bit earlier from Geoff and Randy... not that much earlier, 15 minutes, tops. I don't ever want to give them the impression that I don't want to finish my job, but there was nothing for me to do. I had already done up the box deposit and Geoff was on top of everything else and Alex was making sure concession was good, so what was I to do? Go home!

Gave Jen a ride home since she couldn't get a hold of anyone at her house. Apparently, Genesis was sleeping and her sis was on the compy. It's all right, though. I got to see Jen's posters in her room and all her cool anime stuff. She even let me borrow some manga! I've never read any and it's sooooo awesome!! I wish, though, that I could read Japanese so I could get the real stuff. I'm already done reading it and I want more!!! It was fun trying to wake up Genesis and holding her baby rat. It crawled up my arm and up to the back of my neck. It was so tickly and weird, but the back of my neck was always sensitive. ::Shiver:: Rats! Who knew they could be cute?

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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