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Saturday, Jul. 20, 2002 @ 5:39 A.M.

Slimballs... All of them!

Men suck ass... Yeah, you read right. I hate you guys... you wanna know why? Well, I'm not in the mood to tell you. ::Pout::

What is it about men? ::Sigh:: Let's tell a story:

One day a girl goes about her day. A boy she works with has interest in her. She's oblivious, because she is dating someone else. One day she gets a phone call from her current boyfriend saying that things aren't working out between them. He lives too far away to always drive to her house, has no job, and feels that she spends too much time at work or with her friends. She's okay with the breakup because she found that he wasn't as deep as she thought. The boy that was interested in her bided his time. He asked her out, but she had an overwhelming sense of rule following and said no. Then, she got transferred to another place. She finally said yes. They were happy. Life was good. They took walks in the park. Nothing fancy. She never asked to eat out or get presents. She never expected them of him. She was just happy being with him and having the idea of his love. She, unfortunately, was at work too much. His parents also didn't really approve of her. This hurt her deeply, but she thought that their love would be enough to get them through this because she only cared about what he thought. They never fought, had similar tastes in humor and got along great. She suddenly got a call from him one morning saying that he wanted to break up with her. She cried when she got to work, but hid it well. No one knew. They got back together after a week. Not that anyone knew they had broken up to see them. She showed him affection when she was with him and worried when he didn't call, but she worked a lot. She always went over to see him when he asked, but often wondered why she never met his friends or got invited to hang out with him when he did "stuff". Although she didn't approve of some of the things he did, she wanted to be close to him. The relationship was strained because she felt scared of what he was doing with others and to himself. She also didn't trust the girls he hung out with. But she couldn't do anything, because she was working all the time. He never knew when she had the day off. When she did tell him, he promptly forgot dates and plans. She took it all in stride, letting the resentment build up within her, but still in love with the boy, she let it go when she was with him. Every hurt and angry thought was forgotten when she was with him. He made her laugh and happy. Only after the day was over would she think worrysome thoughts. Then, it happened again. The boy called her up and asked, "To be friends." She was shocked and bewildered about where this was coming from. She was content in their relationship and never asked for anything but his voice, not even his presence. She had a very limited view of relationships it seemed. Just being able to talk to him and show him affection in her own unique way was enough for her. She took comfort in the fact that her friends would listen to her tale and sympathize. She smiled and laughed again, thankful that she could move on because... YOU DON"T NEED A MAN TO BE HAPPY!!!

They're just on the planet to amuse you... Bu-wah-ha-ha!

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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