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Tuesday, Jul. 09, 2002 @ 1:17 P.M.

All work and all play makes me a scary person!

I had every intention of writing last night. Really... I, well, I just fell asleep after talking to Jen online. I must have been exhausted. I usually never fall asleep when I'm in front of the computer online. I mean, it was barely 2AM! What's wrong with me?!! I woke up about an hour ago. At least I got my ten hours of sleep in. Fwah!

Lessee... what's been happening? Yesterday, opened on the floor. Jen kept telling me she hated booth. She does fine up there and it's good to get off the floor once in a while. I would hate having to do one or the other all the time. I tried staying outta the office so much, in fact, that I didn't get the employee schedule done... or the manager schedule done... or the movie schedule done. Bah! Whatever... at least the employees didn't call me all the time or keep knocking on the door. I wonder if they do that simply to annoy the managers or they're starved for attention. But then I work and I pop up behind them to scare them half to death. ::Maniacal laughter:: Try it... it's fun. I just walk in the back and they scatter. Hee! I go into concessions and bother them into stocking and asking them if they need anything, anything at all... every half hour. Hee!! Then I go into box and ask them if they need anything, change the temperature, have ticket stock... every hour. Hee!!! Sometimes it's just fun to do your job... very, very annoyingly well. Bu-wah-ha-ha!!!! Unfortunately, that meant that I had to spend more time at work to do the damn schedules and inconvenience Jenifer since I was her ride home. I bought her dinner to make up for it, but still... I felt bad for making her stay there. I was glad she helped me out on the employee and manager schedule, and she was in pure overtime. NOT FAIR! Everyone's makin' bank on the fact that we're understaffed. Oh well, I'm not at work for the money... it's just a wonderful perk. I'm in it for the experience with working with people. Some days are better than others.

Today, I'm doing laundry, paying my bills and hanging at home. Later, I hope to go to the bank and pick up some money for shopping tomorrow! Yay! Spending money good... hoarding money bad. Need new stuff, especially clothes. I want something to huggle, though. Something so kawaii that I can dub it little Chris and always be content.

Watching Emergency Vets and listening to Shakira. Chris called but I need to get these things done before I can have any kind of fun. Being resposible sucks sometimes. ::Sigh::

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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