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Got Brains?

Sunday, Jun. 23, 2002 @ 2:35 P.M.

Goddess tired...

Ay-yah! I'm freakin' tired...

I'm just glad I have a day off. Tracey couldn't come in yesterday. This is what happened that day.

Friday, I was only supposed to work 2 - 10:30, right? Well, I hung around to help close and give Moises a ride home. The thing is, he wanted to see if Ryan was still walking, so we drove, like, an extra five miles. Thankfully, Moises was willing to pay for my gas, especially since I was almost empty. I get home, but do I sleep like a sensible person who is supposed to get up at 7AM should? No, I stay up until 3AM. It's a good thing, though. Tracey calls at 2:30AM and tells me she can't make it to work. I'm like, uh, okay. Sooooo, in the morning I get a call from Moises. Am I even ready to go? Of course not! I'm just moseying along, watching TV, checkin' the iNet and getting dressed... all in the fifteen minutes before I had to leave. I pick Moises and Jen and get to the staff meeting... late again! It really didn't matter since Des was making copies of stuff for half an hour. At least it gave us time to eat. It was so funny! I got a huge chocolate muffin and then opened the fruit. Both me and Jen squealed when we saw the strawberries. Yay! Strawberries. I was in an uber-good mood. I think I was freakin' out the kiddies, though. They saw how completely scary I can be when I don't get enough sleep. We finally got the meeting in gear and talked about stuff. The funniest part was when Desiree brought up the bathrooms and Moises said that he had fun in the bathroom. Man! Everyone roared laughing!! There is something strange about that boy. After the meeting, it was time for me to work a double in booth. Moises bought me and Jen caramel frappacinos. Yum! I took it pretty easy since I had been workin non-stop for nearly a week. But I was having a great time! I think that I was still on a high note because of the mutiple calls from beloved from the day before. Whee!

I gave out a few buttons for LILO & STITCH and wrote down which posters we had. I think I'll be in charge of the movie paraphanillia, just because... I cleaned the splicers, deep cleaned two projectors and had a groovy time helping close the day with Randy. Ryan(an employee thinking of applying as management) really saw how the managers interacted. Sometimes I think we have waaaaaaay too much fun. Oh well... we get our work done.

Today, I didn't have the energy to get up and go to church. Then, Moises calls. He's frantic because of some such nonsense about the masking in #5. Yeah, what am I supposed to do about it? He calls for help. Well, it's my day off and it might sound heartless, but I'm not gonna go in. I had plans and I need a day off. I know that he's working a double because Tracey couldn't come in to work today either, but I'm not the only one who deserves to work without getting paid overtime. He should have called Eric first since he's the booth manager, not me! Maybe he called me because he thought that I could fix everything in his life. Yeah, me who can't even fix things in my own life. What does he think I am? A Goddess?!! Well... okay, so I am, but not a very good one. I try to keep the use of my powers to a minimum. I actually went into bitch mode by yelling and that definitely wasn't cool. Sorry, Moises.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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