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Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2002 @ 5:00 P.M.

Roger's Grad Party...

For those of you who aren't very perceptive(or are easily distracted by shiny things, like me!), I added a characters link to my page for those of you who wonder who all those strange people are that I mention in my journal entries. It's a wonder that I have friends, huh? The funny thing is, I mention so many people it's hard to keep track. I update it from time to time, depending on who I write about. Usually, if I mention them more than once I'll add them to my page. Other than that, I''ll try to describe 'em then and there. Enough of explanations! Onto the real reason why you've decided to read my stuff... written and undeniable proof that I am a true nutcase who belongs in a loony-bin. Hee!

Rogee, Moises, and I went over to my Chris' house last night. It was more fun than a keg full of simians! I was driving home from work when beloved called. Actually, I was on my way to pick up Moises. Or was I talkin' to Moises on the phone? And then I was suddenly talkin' to my bro on my other cell phone when I was driving on my way to Moises' house. ::Shakes head hard:: It seems the details of my experience have become a huge muddle of half remembered thoughts. Sufficed to say, I talked to beloved, Moises, and my bro on my cell phones at some point while driving. It was strange, though. Once they all found out I was driving and talking at the same time, they wanted to hang up. Jeez... I can drive and talk at the same time, y'know. It's not like chewin' gum and walkin', which I have yet to master. I guess they didn't want to be a contributing factor to my car accidents.

ANYWAYS... we got to my Chris' house and he and Moises played some old school games with terrible music that even my bro hadn't heard of. They showed off their mad skills and thumb muscles. Ack! Unnecessary bouts of machocism... oh well. They have to make themselves feel better somehow, especially when I tend to cut men down at every turn. Heh, heh... I'm worse when I'm with my sis. It's kinda strange that my best friends have always been guys. I really don't know why they put up with me...

ANYWAYS AGAIN... Rogee finally played Moises on DOA. My bro really sucks at that game, though it's not fair to be against a guy who plays it hours on end. My bro really is a sad sac. I just sat with my arms around my Chris and laughed at their silly antics. Some time during that time Scott(an elementary school friend of Chris') showed up. We ordered pizza(which I ended up paying for... someone owes me some monies, foo'! Or at least a night out...) and popped in JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK. Rogee had never seen it and he liked it. Scott managed to fall asleep. I manipulated Moises into moving so I could sit next to Chris. We then popped in DOGMA, one of Rogee's fave movies. This time Moises fell asleep and Scott woke up halfway through. Chris was pretty tired, but he sweetly didn't say anything, just looked at his watch and yawned loudly from time to time. I smiled at him obliviously... heh.

We finally left(a mess) around 2:00AM. All the guys were tired... me, I had Dr. Pepper in my system. I was good for another two hours, but noooooo! Men have no stamina. Ah well, maybe one day someone will be able to keep up with me.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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