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Sunday, Jun. 09, 2002 @ 1:07 P.M.

A bitter pill to swallow...

There must be something seriously wrong with the world. It's sunny outside and yet I'm sick. It's Sunday and instead of going to church, I'm going to work. My Chris comes to the theatre and I'm elated and yet miffed. I'm sooooo confuzzled... ::Shaking head hard::

Why do I have to be so goll-darned worryful of everything?

Oim da tyoipe of barmy boid tha' cain't 'elp 'avin' these tyoipe o' t'oughts, Oi guess. Wha' oim sayin'... um... uh... Oi dunno.

He said that I take my job too seriously. Yeah, I do... it's my job. I have a certain amount of a guilty, responsible streak that runs throughout my body. I want my employees to EARN their pay... is that so wrong? I did not appreciate being ridiculed for doing my job. Is it my fault that I'm taking just an ounce of pride in what I do? Is it my fault that I take delight in managing? Is it my fault that I love feeling like the queen of a castle? No, I should say not.

::Sigh:: I suppose that it just irked me that I couldn't really be as zany as I wanted to be. I mean, I was at work and I am more professional at work, of course. I have my fun in my own way. And still have the employees have a healthy respect for me and their jobs, unlike some people I know.

Okay, I'm getting all angry again. I need to go shower and hopefully wash this bitterness away.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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