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Monday, May. 06, 2002 @ 12:17 A.M.

Caffine crazed

I should be sleeping since I have to get up and pick up Jenifer before 9:30am, but I can't sleep this early(it's barely past midnight). I shoulda learned that Dr. Pepper and Kit Kats doesn't provide sleep inducing chemicals. Ah well... sleep will taunt me from the shadows like the bitch she is.

Today was a fairly typical Sunday. Went to church, got joshed for getting to Sunday school late once again, got Roach to play a song to Ms. Cara(she brought her guitar!), went home to eat lunch with the whole family. I'm so glad that Da' gots the weekends off so that we can all hang out as a family. After mealing with the fam, us Manuel kids went down to Guitar Center to check out the guitars for Roach, the drums for Rogee, and everything for me. I stroked the thousand dollar strings of some hella expensive guitars. I hit the drum things with two sticks very hard and laughed like a madwoman when my bro tried to take the sticks away. I played the song that I always play on the piano on the keyboards very loudly for five minutes straight until my bro snuck up on me and gave me a heart attack. Screaming in the middle of Guitar Center has no effect on the employees there. Messed with the turntables making lovely noises that came out of the room's overhead speakers. Bro didn't enjoy it as much as I did. We finally left since the store was closing. I hope I'll be welcome back!

Came home with the sibs... did I mention that my bro was the one driving? No? Well, he was. The thing is that he was driving my sister's car. It's nice to see that he's not embarassed to drive a Geo-Metro with a furry purple driver's wheel cover, but when he's with me in a store he tends to run for cover. Dork. Anyways, started Roach on the Trigun series. She says it's very black berrets/turtlenecks Frenchy(can't spell exsitentialist) and philosophical, but funny too. She likes it. My parents enjoy it too. Watched Alias. That show kicks ass! I can't believe that ---- was ----! It was one of those howl at the top of my lungs "Noooo!" moments. I hate when they cliffhang like that. Ate dinner, watched Roach practice on the guitar and watched the rest of the Saturday morning cartoons that I missed. Whee! I think I'm just about to drop off now. ::Yawnage:: My pillow calls out to me. I wish some inanimate objects would just be quiet.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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