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Thursday, Apr. 25, 2002 @ 12:43 A.M.

Fairly boring...

It's been a pretty uneventful day. Didn't do much since I was a bit tired from the day before. Saw it was uncommonly sunny and bright. I had to hiss and turn away like the vampire I am. Just kidding. My eyes just didn't like to adjust to the light so quickly. I am so a night owl it's not even funny. Checked the internet for stuff, watched Trigun with Rogee, went to church, and watched the last of Trigun.

Church was fun. Mr. Derron wasn't feeling well again so Ms. Cara taught us the lesson. I'm glad she's getting better. She hasn't been to church in a while and I had been worrying about her. I got to hold Melody too! Oh, that baby is so cute. I know I'd make such a good mother, my family and eMode say so... I just need to learn to cook and keep a schedule and... and... eh, nevermind. I'm too young for that kind of thing yet. We learned a short lesson about friends. Had to name our 5 closest ones. Chris, Rotchana, Rochelle, Roger, Moises. Yup, my sis and bro are my closest friends. I totally have tons of fun with them around. Rogee says it's because there's no one like the Manuel kids. We freak out most people with our thought patterns and our bluntness. Cool, huh? Yeah, I thought so. After the lesson, Ms. Cara fed us brownies and vanilla ice cream. Mmmm... chocolate.

Two of my best buds (not my sibs) on the list called me. Moises mostly called to gripe about Jeremiah and how he didn't like our booth cleaning job. He even complained about the carpet cleaners not doing a good job. As if we had anything to do with that! Considering how much stuff was strewn all over the booth, I think Jer was being unfair. The call from my other best bud was much nicer. It was definitely a pleasant surprise to get a call from Chris at 12:30am. I wasn't expecting a call from him. I mean, we're not dating so he's not obligated to call me everyday anymore. I'm very glad that he does, though. You have no idea... The topic of conversation reminded me of how we used to walk around together and talk. Ay-yah! Why am I such a sentimental freak?

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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