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Saturday, Mar. 30, 2002 @ 11:29 P.M.

Lotsa stuff to say

Today was fun... I got up this morning after only four hours of sleep at 8:30am so I could get to work. On the drive to work, Chris called me. I was surprised that I expected him to call. I was glad that he called. I just wish I wasn't so confused about my feelings about him. I'm happy the moment he talks to me, but... Uh, I dunno. I'll write my feelings later. Right now is about what happened.

Chris asked if we were still going to Bellevue to show me the anime store he found there. I was shocked really, that he actually remembered. He tended to forget dates that he would set with me or he would conveniently have plan something else at the same time. I never said anything about it, but it always made me kinda pissed that he would do that. Well, this time he reminded me! I mean, I was looking forward to it, but I hadn't been keeping my hopes up. Anyways, I asked the other managers, consisting of Moises, Jenifer, Randy, and Dieter, if I could go home a little earlier. Randy said that since I was the hardest working salaried person, it was all right. I'm so glad that I had his approval. :-p

I got to East Valley and visited with some of the managers there while waiting for Chris to finish up working. I talked to Adam and Peter. It was definitely a pleasure to see Adam again.

So, Chris followed me to the house so that I could drop off my car. That's another thing that shocked me; he offered to drive. We did have to go to his house so that he could get some money for oil for his car. I didn't realize that he had to ask his parents for funds like that. It was uncomfortable listening to the conversation Chris and his father were having. I guess I'm still miffed at his parents for making him choose to break up with me. I just can't believe that he would do that without a good reason. Parents definitely can be that reason. I know it was rude, but I couldn't bring myself to even fully acknowledge that he was there.

Eventually we left and got some oil for his car. He also got me something to eat! Will wonders never cease? We got to Bellevue and drove around, lost for a while. We did find it, though. He just had to figure out where Hooters was. He finally just spotted the store on 108th and 10th, sorta, I think... but we got there. I bought some stuff and we left. Oh my gooshness! There was such cool stuff there. I have to tell Jenifer about it.

Well, after that he dropped me off at the house and I asked if he had time to just talk. We did and I feel that we resolved a few things. Chris is a more attentive friend than a boyfriend...

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