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Friday, Feb. 15, 2002 @ 2:36 P.M.

Valentine's Day ::Sigh::

Okay, I skipped a day, but I have a good reason: I was with my beloved, Chris most of the day until I had to go to work. He's the sweetest guy, really!

Like usual, Chris called me at 10 something in the morning, right after he got home from school. He asked me when I'd be able to come over. I always say after I'd taken my shower. He sighed and exclaimed, "Two hours later!!" I'm sorry, but I'm just not good at time. I honestly cannot keep an appointment, even with the people I love. Anyways, I did get over to his house about an hour later. Hey, that's pretty good for me!

He surprised me with a bouquet of a dozen red roses!! I was so, so surprised. I had wondered what he would get me. I honestly hadn't thought of it. I was just so happy to be with him. Sappy, sappy, sappy. I know, but I'm just that way. :-p

I gave him a Valentine's Card and ::blush:: a picture of me. Anyone who knows me, knows how I hate having my picture taken, so y'know that the guy is special when I give my piccy out!

Then, we went to lunch at the Keg. I really have no restaurant ettiquette(sp?). I think I need to get out more.

Well, when we were driving home Chris' car made a funny noise and started smoking. We stopped at the Shell gas station and opened up the hood. Smoke billowed out like crazy! The little motor connected to the rubbery belt-like thing was sizzling and smoking. It smelled really bad! Chris asked me what it was. I don't know a thing about cars and he doesn't either, but I was pretty sure it was the fan belt. Maybe I know more than I let on. Anyways, while we were watching it smoke, the belt suddenly broke! I let out a girly scream then knelt down to pick it up from under the car. It was hot! I burned my finger and pouted after I dropped the belt onto the hood. Chris called his mother to come pick us up.

We had to hang out in the car. Listened to Garbage and the radio. That reminds me! My Garbage CD is still in his car! Poo... I hope his car doesn't get stolen.

We got back to his house and talked... about how many girls had crushes on him. He named every girl at the East Valley. I laughed because I thought it was very funny. He doesn't understand his appeal. Hmm... I definitely see it. Oh yeah... ::wipes drool from chin:: Sorry, lost myself for a mo'. Then he asked me if I had anyone who had crushes on me. I giggled and said of course. I always do. But guys usually aren't so blatant about their feelings. Idiots...

It doesn't matter though. I love Chris and he loves me, so we have nothing to worry about. We also discussed what our differences in likes were. We really didn't get very far on that because we found out it really didn't matter that we didn't like everything the same. We love each other just the way we are... and all that mushy stuff. It's true. It's scary. It's ::sigh:: love!

We watched Titanic. One of the most romantic movies made... but we only watched the part where the ship goes down. That's fine. I didn't particularly like that movie. I've only watched it once. Chris only owns it because he likes the bass sound while the ship sinks. Romantic, huh? Yeah, that's what I thought.

After that I went to work. Moises left me a a candy heart and a stuffed bear labeled 'Romance'. William gave him a hard time about it. I really don't know what that boy is thinking. Then he called me from his sickbed to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day. Sweet, but why? Eh... yeah.

Work, work, work, then watched Return to Neverland. Pretty good, pretty thoughtful, pretty short. But good.

That's all for now I guess.

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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