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Monday, Mar. 05, 2007 @ 9:31 P.M.

This past month's stuff that happened...

An entry...
What noteworthy things can I mention?
Yesterday was the last day that my Pastor and his wife were going to be at my church. I cannot believe that it had been nearly eleven years that they had been there. I am just glad that I had to good fortune to see them before they left for that great retirement state, Florida. I wonder just how hot it is down there.
I'm gonna miss them lots. Especially Mrs. J. She was such a wonderful spiritual leader. I did get her email so I could still keep in touch with them. I will be sending them lots of pics, I hope! I wish I had more time to find pictures for the album that I put together for them as a going away pressie. I managed to get some of the kids to sign it as well as a few of the adults that I had pictured in there. I regret not having more foresight. It would have been so much better if more people were pictured in it. If only I hadn't procrastinated so much... or if my brother had told me earlier. Still, I cried my eyes out on Mrs. J's shoulder and couldn't even get out how much I appreciated her influence on my life. I am much too emotional for my own good.
So, Mi-chan and I went to an Otaku meeting. It was pretty fun except for the "HE'S MY HUSBAND!!!" girls. I already had a massive headache. Thank gooshness that the house we met at was large enough to accommodate all the people that were there. We watched lots of stuff that I had already seen except for Hellsing: Ultimate. Yikes, it was bloody! Good, but bloody!! Oh, I also took pictures of the cosplay girls. Pretty cool stuff.
Ah! Also, took the kits to the Vet. Yami has definitely has some issues with the doctor. She hid under a blanket most of the time and nearly killed the nurse who was trying to get her in her carrier. It was an interesting experience. Sufficed to say, she hates that carrier, but both the kits are a healthy weight and they are doing great! I wonder if I go for a check-up if I would be in good a shape.
:: Cough ::
I should try to get more exercise. The con's coming up, not to mention my sis-tor's wedding which I am in. Augh! Scary...

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Give Me A Break! Still got a headache...

Piccy of the week: This should help...


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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