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Tuesday, Dec. 06, 2005 @ 12:49 A.M.

My Birfday weekend!

Well, I'm another year older! Yikes... this weekend was a fun-filled one, that's for sure. I had pictures, but I plugged in Mi-chan's camera and it all flittered away into nothingness.
The first thing that I did on my birfday was get Disgaea from Neko and then go to Kid Valley with Mi-chan, P-chan, and Neko to eat lunch. I had pictures of us sucking our milkshakes through straws that were pretty funny, but those are all gone. T_T P-chan managed to throw away a tray by accident so I had to tell the guy at the counter what she did and he had to go digging through the trash to find it. P-chan is so silly.
After lunch, we all went to P-chan's and looked at her dollfie thingy. It's this really expensive, pretty doll that you can customize. She showed us the web-site and we drooled over how lovely they were. But holy poo! They were hecka expensivo.
The Dollfie website
I mean, look at them if you dare!
Before the movie I wanted to watch, we had to leave P-chan behind and went to Best Buy. I had to return something and then I got myself the soundtrack to Puffy AmiYumi. Unfortunately, it doesn't work in my car! WHY?!!! :: Shrug :: Oh well, I guess I'll just put it on my compy and make it an MP3 CD. Hah, take that anti-pirating stupids!
We had to then go to the theatre and go watch Aeon Flux. I watched it when it was on MTV's Liquid Television a long time ago. I liked it then and I liked it as a movie. It was so wonderful!
Lessee... then I went to the 'rent's house to hang out with my bro, but I found him not there and when he finally did arrive, he said he was too busy to hand out with me! I think he got his new compy and decided to play with that instead. My 'rents gave me a couple hundred to get myself a digital camera. Whee! Decided to pick up Noke and we went back towards the apartment to pick up Ra-chan and Momo and Neko, but then Noke said she wanted me to go eat out at a restaurant called Bahama Breeze or something like that. It was good stuff! I had pork chops... mmm... We took a bunch of pictures at the restaurant, including the elusive Neko and a random waiter that Noke thought looked like Jer, but NOOOOOOOO... all gone!! Ra-chan finally got to meet Noke. Yay!
We went to have dessert in SeaTac. There was this place called 13 Coins, I think? They served fried ice cream, which I've never had before. It was nummy! More pictures gone! :: Cries :: Ra-chan got sick of the smoke and had to go out in the car to eat it, but she liked it. Noke was so nice and paid for all the ice cream.
Drove Noke home, drove Momo home and he gave me In the Groove as a pressie.
Came back to the apartment and got my Rock Lee stuffie and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (two disc set) from Ra-chan. :: Hugs :: I luffles them so much!
The next day, Mi-chan gave me a Jack Sparrow watch and a Vegeta poster! :: Swoon :: I managed to actually put up my Vegeta poster. Heh... now I have a wall of my favorite guys to look at when I'm in bed. :3
P-chan came over and Ra-chan, Mi-chan, and I went to IHOP to have lunch. It was oh, so nummy. We went to Seattle (Kinokuniya) with P-chan. She bought me three copic pens for a pressie. Now I can pen my drawings properly! Yay! I have to finish my art, dang...
After that, we brought Ra-chan back to her car and she went to baby-sit. P-chan went home soon after and then B-kun called! I thought that he called to wish me Happy Birfday, but he had no idea what day it was. No matter, we had conversation and it was fun as always. Had to cut it short (less than three hours? :: Gasp :: ) so Mi-chan and I could get to the Harry Potter movie. It was great, but did seem to be lacking much of the storyline. I guess they couldn't have done any more or the movie would have been over four hours! We then went to JoAnn's... after that it gets a bit hazy and I can't seem to remember much else that happened.
The next day I had to go to work, but it was kinda fun! We had a Santa shoot and I helped with it and Photo mostly, but I wore some antlers and we took pictures and had a grand ol' time. I convinced Mi-chan, Ra-chan, and Neko to come down so we could get a picture together with the Clause's. Hee.
I did more this weekend than I do in a month. I think I put over a hundred miles on my car driving around.

Ramen and Nezumi relaxing after a long weekend...

Oh and I took a test...

You Are a Peacemaker Soul

You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.
War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.
You are a good mediator and a true negotiator.
Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy.

While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.
You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take.
On the flip side, you've got a graet sense of humor and wit.
You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice.

Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul

What Kind of Soul Are You?

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Full Metal Alchemist...

Give Me A Break! I hate having to sleep sometimes...

Piccy of the week: Grah.


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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