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Got Brains?

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005 @ 12:01 P.M.

Rambling after a long silence...

My gooshness... what have I done?! I actually went and invited someone to be my friend on MySpace. Granted, she is one of the most interesting people I have read on the web, but me... click-ted the button to invite as friend... so not like me.
And my cats keep crawling on top of me and meowing to get my attention! What Yami?!! What do you need? I fed you not one hour ago... I let you run around after your sister for a full ten minutes without yelling at you until you decided to knock some of Mi-chan's plates over. Dang you, woman, clean up your dishes!! The cats keep licking at them and then I have to listen to them retch in the middle of the carpet and think that they're about to hurl up a hairball.
I've been watching In Search Of... on the SciFi channel. I used to watch the old version with Leonard Nimoy. I miss the In Search Of... opening music of the old show. :: Singing :: In search of... la la la, la la la, la la la... in search of! Yeah, I made up a few of those lyrics to fit the music. So, this new show is kinda interesting, I guess. The problem is, it's all stuff I've seen before on other weird shows about strange things and events. I love that kind of thing.
Why is it so cold in here?! Typing is not keeping my fingers warm AT ALL! I suppose that... crap... the new heater Mi-chan bought isn't oscillating like it should. :: Gets up to fiddle with dials and switches :: Ah-ha! I turned the thing down way too much this morning. My fault...
Okay, so it's been a year since the Sydster left this world. I cannot believe how long it's been. I need to find all her pictures and put the digital ones I have on a CD for prosterity's sake. Oooooo... I bought these cute little kittie stuffies to represent the kittens. The black one is Yoru Jr. The black and white bi-colored one is Sydney Jr. The panda one is Yami Jr. ^_^ Soooooooo cute. They now reside on my Japanese swords on top of my television. The first night I brought them home, I put them with Ya' and Yo' while they were sleeping on my chair. It was really adorable when Yoru started licking Yoru Jr's ear.
I drank alcohol for Neko's 21st birfday. It was something called Silk something and it had chocolate liquer, vodka, milk, and Bailey's, I think. All I remember was that it burned on my tongue and going down my throat. I wish I hadn't gulped it down like water the first time. I also wish I told Mi-chan to add the milk right away. The milk helped it not burn so much.
I should eat. But what is there to eat in a poor girl's house? :: Goes to scavenge ::

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! No In Search Of... music at all... sad...

Give Me A Break! Silly kitties breaking things...

Piccy of the week: Grah.


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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