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Mr. Flibble and Rimmer

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Got Brains?

Thursday, Sept. 08, 2005 @ 10:43 P.M.

Mmm... good curry...

Frankenstein's Progeny

"What is it?"
On the viewscreen was a small greenish planet with a moon half its size peeking out from behind it like a cheeky child. Clouds seemed to caress the surface as it rotated slowly in its own little part of the universe.
"It's a planet, you stupid moggy."
Two figures sat in the cockpit of the JM transport ship, Starbug 2. At first glance, one would assume that both beings were human. At second glance, one would see that the darker complexioned person was baring his larger than normal canines at the other and that he wasn't human at all. The angry hiss that issued from his mouth had an other-worldly quality to it.
Before the usual verbal barrage insued, a face of an older looking gentleman replaced the picture of the planet on the viewscreen.
"It's inhabited," said the image in a placid tone.
"Aliens!" the curly haired man with an 'H' on his forehead cried, excited and scared.
"No, felis sapiens," corrected the face on the screen in a smug tone.
The two sitting together in the cramped cockpit looked at each other with twin expressions of incomprehension.

"This is an SOS distress call from the mining ship, Red Dwarf. The crew are dead, killed by a radiation leak. The only survivors were Dave Lister, who was in suspended animation during the disaster, and his pregnant cat, who was safely sealed in the hold.
Revived three million years later, Lister's only companions are: a life form who evolved from his cat; Arnold Rimmer, a hologram simulation of one of the dead crew; Kryten, a service mechanoid that Lister managed to piece together; and Kristine Kochanski, Lister's ex-girlfriend from another dimension. Message ends."
"Additional: We have discovered a planet that is inhabited by Cats. They are apparently from the second ship that didn't crash into an asteroid and managed to make a home for themselves on this planet. Also, it seems that most of them no longer believe in Fushal or Cloister. And, even more bizarre, time and environment have altered them somewhat from the Cat we know. They've got fur and tails and... Names. Amazing, innit?"

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Whose Line is it Anyways?

Give Me A Break! Stinky crap!!

Piccy of the week: Grr... mine...


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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