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Mr. Flibble and Rimmer

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Got Brains?

Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005 @ 12:29 A.M.

Madness... and stuff...

Apparently, I am a Japanophile? Is that even a word? Ramen doesn't think so.
Holy crap. I'm Asian. If anything, I'm an Asian-o-phile... whatever that means. Is it wrong to like things of my own culture. Some people are bastards. Honestly... :: Lets out a cleansing breath ::
Okay, now that I have wondered about what the heck is up with some people, I feel better. Now I'm watching GetBackers with my friends. This may be the sixth time I've seen this series. I don't care, I love this anime.
Yesterday, I found a bunch of theme songs from some 80's cartoons that I used to watch as a kid. Inspector Gadget, Count Duckula, Dangermouse, Gummie Bears... man, you should of heard my squeals of amusement when I found the Pirates of Darkwater theme song. I loved those shows. I think I may try to do a bit of fanart when I have the chance. That will have to wait after I'm done moving into my new room, though. I found some of my old Bugs Bunny fanart from when I was in middle school. I drew a bunch of him when he dressed up as a woman. Jeez... I was a weird kid. I found some of my old books that I used to read too. I read Half Magic, The Witch at the Window, Ghost Cat... lots of fantasy. I also had some creepy mysteries and Edgar Allen Poe with my patented knife through the heart pictures on the inside covers. It seems that I drew that quite often in certain books. I also have a plethora of sci-fi books. Whew! And I didn't even take ALL my books from my 'rent's house. :: Sighs :: I don't have the room for 'em, even with a bigger room. :: Shrugs :: What can you do?

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! GetBackers music is great.

Give Me A Break! Mean people suck... butt-holes.

Piccy of the week: My friend, B-kun of the rainbow wig...


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

Leave me some comments...
2 comments so far
Nezumi - 2005-02-13 19:39:37
I said it once, and I'll say it're totally overreacting. >.> People are assholes. It's just a fact of life.
becki-claire - 2005-02-24 15:10:52
sweeeet. rimmer and mr fibble, gotta hand it to you, i'm liking ;)

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