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Got Brains?

Wednesday, May. 26, 2004 @ 11:27 A.M.

Not in my own place...

You would never guess where I am. That's right, you can't. You can easily rule out that I am not at work, 'cuz we're not able to get an outside Internet connection... it's all corporate crap intranet. The other choice would be at home, but why would that be remarkable? If I'm not at work I'm at my apartment on the compy. Since those two aren't correct you can now assume that I am not at the library, 'cuz I haven't read a real book in ages. Manga, unfortunately, does not count. Okay, so I'm not in any of those places, but it is a place with a computer or I wouldn't have been able to make this entry, would I?

Rhetorical questions are the bane of everyone's existance, I know. Alright already! I'm at the 'rent's house on my brothers new eMac. I have to get used to his settings and keyboard and the slowness of dial-up... :: Agonized groaning ::

I had a call from Brendan the other night. It seems that like us, his theatre was really busy. Well, of course it is! It's got 26 fraggin' screens... who wouldn't be busy on Shrek 2 weekend? We certainly were. It was crazy!! I just hope this weekend isn't to bad. I've had to open for the past few days and I am really tired. I just do not know how you day people can handle it.

So, today on my day off I had to take my new car down to the dealership so they can clean it up and make it look new for the next five years. Scotch guard is a wonderful thing. It's gonna take 6 hours for the whole process to set and air out so I get to hang with the 'rents and bro until they call me and tell me the car is ready. Thank gooshness for the internet and Disgaea.

:: Grins ::

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Rammstein is playing... thank gooshness for iTunes.

Give Me A Break! The rain... hate it!

Piccy of the week: Same old thing, but he's so cute!


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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I hope this is all right...


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