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Got Brains?

Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004 @ 1:56 A.M.

Yup... I have strange things happen...

I was semi-awake when I stumbled into the bathroom this morning... as I usually am when I get up from sleeping... and find that the toilet is the crapper from heck. Thankfully, I hadn't done anything when I flushed the toilet... being the person I am, I flush the toilet if there is anything floating it it... and it overflowed. Into the kitty litter box and onto the floor. That's the best thing to do when you first get up... clean up toilet water. I love it. I've only had to do it three times in the past week. More I say, MORE!!!

Today at work was all right. I actually had to get on a concession till and had one transaction. Then, Rand-da-man had a brainwrap. Thankfully, it wasn't on the movie that was interlocked*. But it caused Rand-da-man to cuss a blue storm. I was quite amused... but I did not appreciate it when he started kicking things in frustration and throwing the splicer. Breaking other people's property is not cool. I hate when people break things that do not belong to them. It shows a real disregard for other people's feelings and a lack of empathy. I mean, fine, break your own stuff, but do not break work things... especially if they are not easily replaced! How stupid can one be?

:: Sigh ::

All right, my Johnny-boy collection is getting bigger by the day. I need to find Ed Wood... must find Ed Wood...

*INTERLOCK: One film running through two projectors in a complicated and scary way... especially if one projector is around the corner at least 50 feet away from the other.

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Mucha Lucha... it's really not that bad...

Give Me A Break! Old VCR tapes...

Piccy of the week: Chichiri, dance for me!


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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