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Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 @ 2:09 A.M.

Stuff that happened in the past few days... duh!

Well, still no word on the GM po-zish... I guess I just have to make the acting GM status thing last a bit longer. Mwha-ha-ha-ha. Actually, I'm not THAT maniacal. Just a smige... maybe.

:: Innocent look :: What?!

In any case, our high school drama that we call work has gotten a bit more tolerable. I really hate having to deal with tension between people. I feel it quite strongly and I have to bite my tongue to not say anything because what people feel about each other is really none of my business. What I would really want is for people to talk to each other about what is bothering them. Well, maybe not really... I shudder to hear what some of them would say to each other. I mean, I already hear what they say behind each other's backs... It's really quite disturbing and troubling to me. I really do like all my managers. If there is something that I observe about them that irks me, I file it away and see if it is a recurring thing or just a random thing. After a while I mention my observation to the person. Then, they can take it as they will. Whatever. I am not a popularity whore, like some people I know.

So, I have to take my car in for an oil change. I hope nothing else is wrong with it. Random clicky noises while I drive is nothing to be concerned about, really... I think I'll take the boy with me if he's not doing anything tomorrow. We can walk around the complex, not buying anything. Oh, did I mention that he's not working at the mo'? No? Well, he's not. He is on earning money hiatus. It be not of the good.

I noticed today that my hair is really, really long. I was trying to braid it and I realized that my braids go well past my buttocks. Now that is long. At least, I think it is.

Ah! I finally registered for Sakura Con!! What is that you ask? Well, it is an anime convention that is being held in SeaTac in April. I went last year and I had so much fun! I will one day go to a Sci-Fi convention one day, too. That would be happiness... :: Sparkle, sparkle ::

Heh, heh. I'm quite the nerd, I know. :: Shrug :: I was always into the science fiction first, fantasy second, mythology third and then I found anime which had a lovely blend of all three. Yay!

Huh... it's time I take a nap or something. I have to wake early enough to give the new code to Darlene.

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Listen Here! Inuyasha ending song with Sesshoumaru...

Give Me A Break! The kitty needs her claws trimmed. I bleed, I bleed.

Piccy of the week: Whee!!!


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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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