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Friday, Mar. 28, 2003 @ 3:38 P.M.

Fanfics are my drug... and basic weirdness...

Hey, hey all you eccentric people out there! Okay, so I haven't been writing for a while. I have a good excuse... a perfectly plausible and believable excuse... it's a GREAT excuse. I... have been... ::sigh::... reading. Yes, reading wonderful Harry Potter fanfic by a lovely Scottish author by the name of Fyre on FictionAlley. She also goes by the name of Rio on the Jellicle Chronicles and Heathrow Heap. I love her stuff!! Her writing is addictive... and so hard to stop reading.

Oh, and Geoff got a haircut. Speaking of Geoff... he would enjoy this entry by RumbleLizard. Yup, some political mumbo-jumbo that went ::whoosh:: right over my head, made me tilt it and say, "HUH?" La la la... ::swirly eyes::

Anyways... the gang (AKA Jen, Genesis, and Moises) came over to sleep at the apartment, again. We watched Gravitation (which is... um... interesting, but not exactly my cup o' tea) and just pretty much slept. Earlier that day, we were at Moises' house where we were forced to watch the neverending war news on FOXNews. No offense to his mom, but she is pretty crazy for wanting to tape all the news coverage. Can I say, "WHY?!" Why subject yourself to all that crap? Especially Americanized, propagandized, one-sided news? Whatever... We had a nice nap in his living room, much to the amusment of his family. Y'see, we didn't sleep the night before 'cuz we had to re-preview Chicago to see what the sound problems were for it. It was fun. Then we went to IHOP, ate pancakes (well, Moises had a Belgium waffle. What's the diff' between American and Belgium waffles?), and were basically weird and tired. I managed to freak out Jen just a bit. I had fun. Then we waited around for Geoff to show up... hold up, I forgot something... we drove to Moises' house, played Scattergories and another card game (can't remember the name) and went online to see if Geoff was awake and THEN waited for him to show up. There. Once he did, went to BCC to get the boy's... um... Moises' textbooks. Beyond that, I can only remember very hazily, 'cuz of the lack of REM sleep and stuff. I know I drove us to some teriyaki place, then back to Moises' and took our naps. Genesis showed up, and we went to Crossroads Uwajimiya then to the Seattle Uwajimiya. Wait! Did I mention that Geoff decided to leave us to our own devices and prolly get his hair cut? Yup, his hair is shorter, now.

I think I'll stop now, for all our sanity.


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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Jackie Chan's Adventures... fun stuff... and I love Jackie Chan.

Give Me A Break! The war gives me heartache.

Piccy of the week: Yuki, looking cute as ever, I must say.


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Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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