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Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 @ 4:11 A.M.

Willard... I'm traumatized, now...

Oh my gooshness! I just screened the movie Willard... man, is that movie screwed up!!! I cannot believe that it's rated only PG-13. The darn thing is graphic, man! And don't get me started on the rats... AAAAAAACK!!!!! I would die if I had to work with rats, especially that many. Crispin Glover is definitely a brave actor. I could never do what he did... 'course, I'm not a freaky guy who can control rats, but you know...

Dieter said that everyone has had fantasies about being able to control a hoard of rats and ruling the world. I told him that I have never thought of that... cats maybe, but never rats. Gads, that movie. ::Shudder:: It freaked me out, man! And man, when Willard and *** were dukin' it out... jeez... who the Hell wrote this thing?! Some whack job with a rat fetish, no doubt. Geh...

Ewwy rats.

Speaking of rats, we got audited today. Whoo-hoo! I just sat in the office... counting ticket stubs... almost 1800 ticket stubs, to be estimating. Yup... it was annoying. Another ticket stub and I prolly woulda scattered them all over the office and screamed, "NO MORE!!!" Yeah, I'm a blower-upper of temper person. Just like Willard. I don't think many people will like the movie. Now, I want to see the original version from the 70's. That would be cool...

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Created by Fantasy Graphics

Listen Here! Nufink... it's quiet... too quiet. But at least there's no squeaking. ::Squeak, squeak:: Aaaaugh!!

Give Me A Break! A pre-rant in anticipation of all the people who will want their money back because of Willard... I hate those types of people.

Piccy of the week: Ayame is just too pretty to get rid of yet.


Missed something?

Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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