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Thursday, Nov. 21, 2002 @ 2:24 P.M.

Trying to recap before work...

I went shopping with Jen and Genesis yesterday. Actually, first we went to lunch at Crossroads. Then we got Cold Stone ice cream. Yummy stuff!

Got some awesome stuff at the Raven store. Car chimes and Christmas pressies for my sis. Then we drove down to Southcenter. For some reason there were po-po all over the place... even one with a rifle! It was disturbing, so we went over to Target. Jen managed to find some new clothes. We looked around at other stuff and then decided we let the coppers have enough time to disperse, so went back to the mall. We didn't get to go to all the stores we wanted to, but we did get to Hot Topic where I found a cool collar. Jen gave me a bell to put on it. It's so awesome! I looked quite nice...

After dropping off Jen at her house, went to church where my youth group played Balderdash. Now, if you've never played this game, it is basically trying to con people into believing that the definition you make for a strange word is the correct one. One would think that guys would be good at this, but it was both gals, me and Bethany, who had the most points. Nate just kept saying it's 'cuz we're just smarter. "Girls are smart and boys are strong and good at sports," he stated. Grrrrr! I really wanted to smack him...

I went to the 'rent's house, fell asleep, didn't want to drive to Seattle, talked to Jen, went back to sleep and woke up to people calling me. Why doesn't anyone ever let me sleep in these days? Always with the calls... I should eat now. And make notes for work. And take a shower. And stuff...

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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