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Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002 @ 11:59 P.M.

Oy! What a long week this has been... erm, half-week...

Can't seem to remember much of what went on... uh, and that means this is gonna be one freakin' long entry.

Lessee, on Sunday I actually had to work, since I asked for Monday off. Sunday was really fun! We got the Raiders of the Lost Ark in to preview. For some odd reason, while some schools have fifty plus students in one classroom, Issaquah High was able to scrape together a few thousand dollars to rent an old film and a two hundred and forty seat auditorium for their dean of students. The best thing was that me and Jen and Moises got to screen it. The worst thing was that Randy put the second reel on backwards. Once again, I have to say, while I love the guy to death, I will kill him... it took freakin' forever and a half to fix his mistake and we missed watching the whole second reel, but that's okay. Got to see most of Raiders in the theatre. It was scratched up and in mono, but it was still awesome. Then, I went over to Jen's house and slept over. Well, when I mean slept over, I mean, we put together her desk and set up her computer, then stayed up in time for us to have breakfast with her sister, see her off to school, and then we slept. ::Yawn:: Man, was I tired! I'm tired just thinking about it!!

Monday was Jen's 21st birthday. It was so fun!!! I woke up, sorta... Jen's mom, who is really cool, by the way, came over to buy liquor for us. Not that we couldn't buy it ourselves, but neither I nor Jen knew what the heck we were looking for alcohol-wise. In the end, it came out to be about eighty dollars in alcohol! Oh, my gooshness... what were we thinking?! Most of it is still in my apartment. At least the bottles are pretty. Ryan made us take shots of 'chocolate cakes' and 'slippery nipples'. Geh... I can't stand straight alcohol, at all. It was burning the whole way down and I just completely gagged, but I got it down. After that, we played a drinking game to Outlaw Star with rum and vanilla Coke. Man, that stuff was harsh. I don't know how some people do it. My sis came home at some point and tried my rum and Coke and said it was practically nothing. ::Shakes head:: I worry about her sometimes. She made herself a 'screwdriver' and I tried it and I gagged on that. Everyone was saying that all you can taste is the orange juice. Well, you lie!!! Of course, she put a lot of vodka in it. Ick... I'm just glad that none of my friends are complete lushes. Not one of us got drunk. We ate at Red Robin beforehand. Oh, it's so hilarious to hear the people sing their birthday song. Jen was soooooo embarassed. ::Laughing:: We all did have drinks once we got to the apartment, though. Even Randy and Genesis had a drink (well, Genesis just had a sip of Jen's rum and coke) to celebrate Jen's coming of age. It was great fun all around. Except when we were waiting for Geoff and Ryan. Sleepy Ryan and sex-maniac Geoff... those two are really hard to plan stuff with sometimes. I got Jen to watch Cats. Heh, heh... another convert. She had never seen it before, but now she loves it as I knew she would. She has anime, I have cats... to obsess completely and thoroughly over. I know every line and all the characters. It's quite frightening, really.

Tuesday I woke up to the sounds of Jen and Genesis fighting. Well, actually Genesis was getting Jen up by playing with her hair. Geoff was up already. Roach was up and eating breaky. What is wrong with these people? After a few hours of Regis and Kelly and The Sims (Geoff, that is just wrong, simply wrong) we went to get some coffee and lunch. I tried to call in so I could hang with Geoff, Jen and Genesis longer, but Des needed me to cover the HR table. ::Growl:: That woman is so freakin' incompetent, it's not even funny. She wanted my input on stuff and to make sure to be there when applicants came in. One... count 'em... one person. Whoo hoo! My being there was so essential. Grrrrr! Anyways, I did my job and am now biding my time before I snap and hire an assasin. ::Maniacal laughter::

Today was pretty boring. Dinked around, watched Cats again and started on Moulin Rouge. Went to church and came home. The Bachelor sucks, by the way. It's a terrible show. I don't know why my mother likes to watch it. On the way home, there was a terrible accident with a semi cab and there were lots of firetrucks and ambulances. I wonder what happened... it was scary. Some people really don't know how to drive, especially in the fog. I hope no one died.

Okay, whoever indirectkisses is, show yourself. I've been wracking my brain and trying to figure out who you are, but I'm having absolutely no luck. 'Course, I am slightly silly and flaky, so you'll just have to come out and reveal your true identity. ::Looks around warily:: You're not stalking me, are ya?

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Bad days happen... - Friday, Sept. 13, 2013
Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
Out with the old... - Saturday, Jul. 20, 2013
Yeesh... - Sunday, Mar. 10, 2013
Such exciting things... - Monday, Sept. 24, 2012

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