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Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002 @ 1:57 A.M.

Another take on the day...

This is the third entry I've done in the span of twelve hours. My emotions are so churned up that I can't sleep... and MSN Messenger isn't working. ::Shakes fist angrily::

I spent most of the day in my room watching anime. Fortunately for me Jen was kind enough to lend me her tapes... most of my DVDs and tapes are at my apartment. When I finally got up, I was surprised to see that my sister was already at the house and ready to go... and my mother was actually coming to church with us. She usually doesn't go to church on Wednesday nights... it's dark y'know and the worst kinds of catastrophes happen at night of course.

We had a short memorial service. I did what I didn't want to do all day... I cried anew at the suffering that happened one year ago. We had the chance to tell how we felt about the day. There were, of course, the pat statements about how God had blessed us with the freedom to worship and the wonderfulness of living in a rich country. What really got to me was what my mother said... while others mourned for the people who died, she mourned for the loss of the Twin Towers. What most people didn't know was that we had actually lived in New York and experienced the buildings firsthand. She recounted how she used to walk by the buildings everyday to and from work and simply look up at them... her fear of heights prevented her from ever going in to enjoy the view from the observation decks. I remembered last year how horrified I was at the destruction of the buildings also and... I... wept...

Thank God that we had cake to celebrate Roach's 21st birthday. Every time someone asked her what she was going to do now, she promptly replied that she was gonna go drinking. I swear, that girl knows how to shock them church folk. They're all such nice people... but sis and bro were gonna say their take on the day, but decided they didn't want to offend anyone. That's the problem with having such great parents with open minds... they never scolded us about blurting out our thoughts. I mean, my mother did it tonight. And people wonder where the Manuel kids get their mouths. ::Smile::

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Annoying things are annoying... - Thursday, Aug. 08, 2013
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